Hello Again

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Hello Again

I quickly leaped across the roof tops in my costume, my cape flying behind me

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I quickly leaped across the roof tops in my costume, my cape flying behind me. "Hello there!" I say to the criminal I landed in front of.

"You got something on your face," I laugh, "Here, let me get it off for you!" I jumped and kick him square in the face. He quickly got up and went to punch me in the stomach, but I jumped away and kicked the back of his neck, not hard enough to kill him, but hard enough to cause him to fall.

"You little punk!" He screamed and went to grab my ankle. I giggled and did a black flip and stepped on his wrist. The trick to surviving in a world like this is to simply know acrobatics and gymnastics.

"Correction, I believe your the punk," I say, "A criminal punk, that belongs in black gate!" I say triumphantly as I deliver another blow to his head causing him to render unconscious, only for a few minutes. When he awoke he was dizzy and distorted. He was easily pushed inside the arriving police car.

"Thanks robin," The officer said smiling. Some officer's believed that me and my boss belonged in an asylum along with the criminals we sweep off the street, but luckily the commissioner believes otherwise.

My skirt flew side to side in the wind slightly showing the short black shorts with knife and boomerang pockets on my thighs. But I wasn't worried. Everyone knows that as long as your innocent, you have nothing to worry about.

I quickly zip-lined to the top of a building I saw batman running on earlier. I remember the day batman found me. I was selling some guns, I don't remember were I stole them from though, to Ben. A friend who could keep me alive as long as I helped keep him alive. Batman flew in to try to catch some crooks, he arrested at lest eight thugs that day, but instead of handing me over to the police, he thought I was of some use and toke me to Wayne's manner. I will never forget that day. I don't know what I did to deserve his kindness, but I'm not about to start questioning it now.

I looked around for more thugs to send to black gate, or some person in need of help. "Bingo." I say quietly to myself as a I say a blonde boy, clearly a dyed, trying to talk down some thugs, I did some leaps and managed to get a roof top directly above them.

"Don't touch me! If my father hears of this he'll have your head." I rolled my eyes, who does he think his is? Draco Malfoy? He both sounded and looked rich. With black dress pants and white ruffle shirt. Never the less, I would save him anyways.

I leapt down and the boy smiled, almost like he was expecting me. It caused me unease but I quickly rendered the goons unconscious before turning to the boy. Batman doesn't like leaving kids out in the open, especially the air headed ones who look like they don't know the first thing about self-defense. I don't mind leaving street kids out, they know how to fend for themselves. And I was once one of them, I know more then anything, that us street kids, like the street. We belong there. Thats where we strive.

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