Aaron - First Date

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Requested by KRaZYKoLeGAC

***Kole POV***

My heart was pounding as I got ready for my date. Usually I wouldn't be this nervous but, I was going on a date with Aaron Goodwin from Ghost Adventures. FREAKING AARON GOODWIN!
I've always had a small crush on him ever since I started watching the show. Once they came to the town where I live to investigate. That's how Aaron and I met. I was in Starbucks ordering a drink. I turned around and literally bumped into him, accidentally dropping the drink I had just gotten. I apologized before realizing who I was apologizing to. I looked up and saw Aaron.

He smiled and said it was alright. Then he offered to buy me a new drink. I smiled and said sure. Now here I was a month later and getting ready for a date. A date with my celebrity crush. Now how often does that happen?

I was finishing up my hair and putting on a tiny amount of makeup. I don't really like makeup I think it covers up the true beauty of one's person. I absolutely despise those who cake it on. One bump and it will crack and fall off their face.

I finished just as my doorbell rang. I got even more nervous and took deep breaths to calm myself.

"It's okay Kole. You can do this." I kept mumbling to myself before deciding to answer the door after a second ring of the doorbell. Aaron stood there, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey." He greeted. "You ready?" I nodded and stepped out of my house and locking the door behind me. Aaron held out his arm and I took ahold of it. He led me to his car and held open the door.

After we were all buckled in I asked where we were going. "So..." I started. "What are we doing?"

"I figured we should go see the new Star Wars movie. Then a Chinese restaurant."

I smiled. "I can't wait."


We sat at a table at the restaurant. We were finishing our dinners. I smiled and looked at Aaron.

"Thank you. This has been the best date I've been on."

He chuckled. "Your welcome. It's the best with me too."

The waitress returned and gave us the bill and fortune cookies. I looked at Aaron again.

"Do you know the proper way to do fortune cookies?" I questioned him.

"No." He looked at me questioningly.

"Well... first you obtain the cookies." I started. "Then you open them at the same time with the other fortune cookie holders. I think this brings good luck. Before you eat the cookie, you read the fortune. But you don't tell the other person."

He raised his eyebrows. "That's unusual."

"I believe fortunes are sort of the same thing as wishes. If you tell the fortune then it either does not happen or it stops happening."

"Oh. Okay. That makes a little more sense. You ready to open them?" Aaron asked.

"Yup." We grabbed our cookies and took off the packaging. "Ready? One, two, three."

We opened our cookies at the same time. I grabbed the little piece of white paper stuck in the cookie and read it. Love is in the air. I smiled and looked up to Aaron. He had a bigger smile than me.

We finished and paid the bill and made our way back to the car. "Thank you Aaron. I had an amazing time."

"Your welcome." He smiled. "Same time next week?"

I looked at him and smiled bigger. "Sure."

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