Chapter 16

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Akuma:Am I the only person that when they write something and it starts out completely straight and they do one tiny thing it suddenly turns completely gay?Cause that happens to me a lot now.Like seriously everything has taken a gay turn.These two are gay, those two, they're gay,everyone's gay.(I'm exaggerating a little but still!) So I am the only one oh okay,oops.So like do I have a problem?Anyways,ignore my randomness and read on.

Third POV

The blond boy sat on a tree branch outside a certain redhead's window.He looked in the window and smiled a little,"Nyuu's finally asleep,good."The boy floated,yes floated,off the branch and over to the window."Locked great"he whispered to himself.He sighed and floated to the ground."I guess it's a good thing the dog boy has a key."

The blond walked through the nearly empty streets of Konoha towards the Inuzuka compound.Luckily,for him the Inuzuka he was looking for came running down the street.The boy held his foot out just when the boy with the upside down triangles on his face was right next to him.

"What the hell?!"Kiba shouted when his face met the pavement-oh wait it's dirt.The dog that is pretty much always with him jumped off him and walked over to where the blond boy was standing. Akamaru barked and Kiba raised his head,"What ya barking at,Akamaru?"Akamaru tilted his head in confusion because the boy that was there just a second ago was gone or he appeared to be."Come on,Akamaru"Kiba said scooping up the pup before running off again.

"These genins are kind of a disappointment.Looks like he was right about that much"the blond said as he walked back to Nyuu's.The Inuzuka and his dog were asleep on the door mat by the time he got there.

The blond laughed quietly before opening the door and walking in.Lets just say a certain idiot was passed out upside-down on the couch.The blond rolled his eyes before going to Nyuu's room.He looked at the sleeping redhead and snapped his fingers.Kurama was suddenly standing in front of him.

"What do you want,brat?"Kurama growled.

The boy smiled,"I want you to tell me your side of what happened when 13 years ago on October 10th."

Time Skip

  "GET OUT YOU CREEP!!!"Nyuu shouted and the blond boy pouted before he disappeared.The blond appeared on the roof of the Hokage Tower,Residence,Building thingy,yep totally just typed/said that.He entered the room through the window and the third Hokage,who was doing paperwork,looked up at him.

"Hello,who are you?"Sarutobi asked completely calm.

"The name's Nyato"he said suddenly standing on Sarutobi's desk,"Nyato Uzumaki."


"Yeah,Uzumaki.I'm the youngest of the Uzumaki triplets"Nyato said an insane grin on his face.

"What do you want?"

"I wanna know why Nyuu and Naruto were separated."

"And if I don't tell you?"Sarutobi asked staring blankly at the Uzumaki boy.

Nyato smirked,"I just wanted to hear your side of it,I've heard two already.The one story I grew up hearing and one from the fox demon himself."Sarutobi raised an eyebrow at him.Nyato grinned and the annoyed vibe he had just a few minutes ago disappeared. He's definitely an Uzumaki,Sarutobi thought. 

"So the Danzo guy decided to turn Nyuu and Naruto into a little test cause they both have one half of the Ninetails in 'em,right?"Nyato said in a childish voice. Sarutobi was clearly shocked that the young Uzumaki even knew the name Danzo."So I was informed correctly it seems,thanks for clearing that up,Gramps"Nyato said before quite literally floating out the window.

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