Chapter One

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"I'm so sick of her..." Dean scoffs with disgust, his eyes stuck on her; her dark brown hair sat effortlessly flat down her back, big brown eyes entranced in her bible as her hand fumbles around her table looking for her plate of grapes not daring to look away for even a moment afraid she would lose her spot.

         "Me too, I don't know what everyone else sees." Darren Young adds his jaw tight with frustration, "Every time she sees me, she slips in little judgmental comments about me being gay. I refuse to feel bad about my sexuality." The words were sharp full of hate, they look away momentarily as John Cena walks past their table; one of her biggest puppets.

       "And you shouldn't feel bad there is not some big guy floating in space pissed that you like it up the ass!" Ambrose exclaims to his now good buddy, bonding over their hate of another person.

        "Whoa, whoa..." Darren says putting his hand up looking slightly offended,

        "Oh sorry are we not close enough to talk about what you do in the bedroom yet? Eh don't worry about it we'll get there eventually, kid" He waves it off with his hand like it was no big deal, Darren couldn't help but let out a little chuckle it was refreshing to see how casual Dean was about the whole thing.

        "Not that, I meant the whole God thing I don't think he cares I'm gay but I do think he is there..." Darren corrects his friend, Ambrose cocks an eyebrow confusion filling his face as he tries to process this new piece of information.

        "Wait, you're religious?" Dean asks, he just nods not seeing the big deal. "Why? Why would you want to be a gay christian knowing the rest of them think you are going to hell?" Darren opens his mouth to respond but it was too late, Dean's mind was somewhere else when he noticed Kendall was gone. "See what you did, we lost her."

       "Me? This one is on you, shouldn't we do more than just follow her around? What is this going to do exactly?" His friend asks as they get up from their table scanning the room hoping she hasn't gone too far,

       "I don't know, why don't we pull a play out of your magic bible and sacrifice her. Does she have to be a virgin for that?" They head out of catering, Darren shakes his head laughing

        "First off it's holy bible not magic-" he gets cut off quickly by Dean,

         "Holy, magic same thing." He smirks giving a wink to a sound technician as they walk past her she blushes quickly looking away. Darren decides to pick his battles and this one wasn't worth debating.

        "Secondly, in the bible virgins aren't being sacrificed. Have you ever been to a church?" They turn left heading toward the stage, the smell of popcorn becoming stronger with each step, the screams of the audience louder as they go

         "That is beside the point, and what about Jesus wasn't he sacrificed or some shit?" They stop abruptly as Dean's arm flies out to his side smacking Darren in the chest, he follows Ambrose's gaze and sees Kendall at the curtain entrance waiting for her music to hit.

         "That doesn't count," He whispers as they dunk behind one of the big black equipment cases, Dean shushed him while they watched her from a distance they could hear Paige talking trash in the ring. Kendall's right hand hung on tight to her cross necklace, eyes closed tight while she prayed. Dean growls low under his breath still not buying this innocent Jesus freak act, it took all his strength not to let out a smart-ass comment. The rift to her intro music "Fully Alive by Flyleaf" blasts through the speakers and her eyes fly open, with a swift kiss to her necklace she flies around the corner full of energy and the crowd goes wild.

The Lunatic's Favorite Christian [Dean Ambrose]Where stories live. Discover now