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In the latter part of October, Don Santiago de los Santos, popularly

known as Captain Tiago, gave a dinner. Though, contrary to his custom,

he had not announced it until the afternoon of the day on which it was

to occur, the dinner became at once the absorbing topic of conversation

in Binondo, in the other suburbs of Manila, and even in the walled

city. Captain Tiago was generally considered a most liberal man,

and his house, like his country, shut its doors to no one, whether

bent on pleasure or on the development of some new and daring scheme.

The dinner was given in the captain's house in Analoague street. The

building is of ordinary size, of the style of architecture common

to the country, and is situated on that arm of the Pasig called by

some Binondo Creek. This, like all the streams in Manila, satisfies a

multitude of needs. It serves for bathing, mortar-mixing, laundering,

fishing, means of transportation and communication, and even for

drinking water, when the Chinese water-carriers find it convenient

to use it for that purpose. Although the most important artery of

the busiest part of the town, where the roar of commerce is loudest

and traffic most congested, the stream is, for a distance of a mile,

crossed by only one wooden bridge. During six months of the year, one

end of this bridge is out of order, and the other end is impassable

during the remaining time.

The house is low and somewhat out of plumb. No one, however, knows

whether the faulty lines of the building are due to a defect in the

sight of the architect who constructed it, or whether they are the

result of earthquakes and hurricanes.

A wide staircase, with green balustrades and carpeted here and there in

spots, leads from the zaguan, or tiled entrance hall, to the second

story of the house. On either side of this staircase is a row of

flower-pots and vases, placed upon chinaware pedestals, brilliant in

coloring and fantastic in design. Upstairs, we enter a spacious hall,

which is, in these islands, called caida. This serves to-night for

the dining hall. In the middle of the room is a large table, profusely

and richly ornamented, fairly groaning under the weight of delicacies.

In direct contrast to these worldly preparations are the motley colored

religious pictures on the walls--such subjects as "Purgatory," "Hell,"

"The Last Judgment," "The Death of the Just," and "The Death of the

Sinner." Below these, in a beautiful renaissance frame, is a large,

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