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Hello Everyone!
So, you are all probably anxious for a sequel but I'm not exactly sure when I will release it unfortunately... I have a job this summer that will take up all my time so I'll probably post it sometime in September of this year.. I know that's a long way off but I know it will be worth it.

The sequel is called Aftershock and will loosely be based off of the movie Winter Soldier. The same HYDRA problem but with a couple of twists.

I hope you will all be patient with me! The above is the picture of the cover and here is the prologue for the book:

"Where the hell am I?"

"Welcome to the 21st century Ms. Peterson." Pausing, Willow looked around at her surroundings slowly.

"Where is he? I have to complete my mission." The women furrowed her eyebrows, frowning at Willow.


"To kill Captain America." Willow pauses. "Stupid name isn't it?"


When Bucky A.K.A the Winter Soldier goes off the grid, Steve is not only distraught, but torn to pieces. S.H.I.E.L.D has fallen, it's agents have scattered. Steve has hardly a friend to turn to. It isn't until Natasha exposes one of S.H.I.E.L.D's better kept secrets that things begin to look.. Up. On the outside that is.

Kept under lock and key and frozen in ice for nearly seventy years, Willow is in every way, exactly how Steve remembers her. Except for one thing, the only thing she wants to do, the only thing she talks about is killing Captain America. She doesn't recognize Steve at all, doesn't remember her past, and Steve is getting awful whiplash from none of his friends remembering who he is.


"What the hell did S.H.I.E.L.D do to her?" Steve demanded, slamming his hand against the wall.

"It wasn't S.H.I.E.L.D Steve." Natasha said trying to calm him down.

"Then who?"

"HYDRA, Steve." Steve is glaring at her. "She was rescued from a HYDRA base forty years ago."


Steve has his family back together again.. Just not in the way he hoped. And there's a bigger threat coming, something maybe even worse than HYDRA.

*prologue subject to change*

Thanks for reading! Commenting! And voting for this book! It really means a lot to me. I saw that all the time but it's the truth! I first got the idea for this story when I was a freshman in high school and... Well... I'm a freshman in college now so this was a long time coming! I'm really happy to have finished it and I'm more than likely gonna postpone the sequel until Civil War comes out so I can see if I would like to add aspects of that movie into the story. I hope you guys are as excited as I am for the movie and the sequel!

See you guys soon!

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