Back Off, Bitch!

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  (Michelle's POV)

My head was still spinning for what I had saw earlier, but I decided to shake it off and come to the guys' practice today. The thought of David being here makes me sick to my stomach, but I came to Izzy about it last night and we talked it out. He told me that the main band never associates with the openers on tour. Thank god, he'll stay away from me.

Part of my wonders if he did this on purpose. He obviously knew that I was with GNR, and he probably convinced his new band to try and come to headline for them. Which is bullshit, because from what it seems like, David wanted me out of his life. When I went to leave the house, my shit was already packed. So what was he doing here?

I decided to forget about it and listen to the practice. I was sitting in the studio behind the glass window, where the band was on the other side. They apparently were going to go over a new song that Axl had come up with. I thought I'd give it a listen.

"This one is a new one," Axl said into his microphone, and I looked over to see Slash pick the first few notes of the song. The song had a good groove to it and it sounded raw. Axl started to sing a few notes in a raspy tone, then let out a small shriek of laughter.

He started to sing the lyrics, for most I could tell what the words are because he was singing them really fast. And, because Slash's guitar was overpowering Axl's voice.

"Emotions ripped, gone on a binge. Life lipped, I said you're off the hinge!" He shrieked into the microphone. The lyrics were a little harsh, but I laughed at them anyway. I didn't know who this song was about; probably one of Axl's ex's.

Axl grabbed the microphone with two hands and stared down at me. "Back off, back off bitch!" He yelled loudly into the microphone, still keeping his eyes locked on me. "Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!" He yelled, not taking his gaze off of me.

I got a little uncomfortable and decided to shift my vision of Izzy. He looked happy, playing his giant white guitar with pride. He smiled when Axl sang the last lyrics, leading the song out.

Everyone started clapping so I joined in. Axl did a little bow behind the glass and laughed. The rest of the guys removed their instruments from their backs and walked out of the room.

Axl grabbed a bottle of water and took a sip from it, looking like a happy person. My attention from him was taken away when Izzy walked over to me, giving my a hug and smiling. "Did you like the new song, babe?"

I nodded. "Yeah..." I really didn't, for some reason, it gave me a bad feeling. The way Axl was staring at me kind of creeped me out.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Axl walk over to us and put his hand on Izzy's shoulder. "So, Iz, do you wanna go rehearse Patience?"

Izzy nodded and looked back at me. "Uh, hey Michelle?" He asked. "I'm gonna go practice with Axl for a while, do you mind?"

Well, yeah, I kind of minded. He was always practicing with Axl and I hadn't seen him all day because he was stuck in band practice. But who am I to say no to him, anyways? "Nah, I don't. Go have fun." I smiled at him and he nodded.

"Alright." He said, leaning down and kissing my cheek quickly before turning back to Axl and grinning with him, walking out of the room.

Well, that was that, I guess. I didn't really have anywhere to go, so I may as well just have stayed in there.


A few hours had went by, and I was still sitting in this damn practice room. Izzy still wasn't back, and I was kind of worried. Axl said that they were only going to practice one song, and it had been hours since the left. But then again, I didn't know anything about music. That process could take a while.

The room was quiet and I was the only one inside, except for the producer who stayed in his little mixing corner, not saying one word to me. I was reading a book when I was interrupted by the door bursting open and loud talking thrown into the quiet room.

I looked up from my book and expected to see Izzy and Axl in the door. But it wasn't, it was two guys with brown hair. They came in and walked past me, opening the door and walking on the other side of the glass. I peered over my book to see what they were doing. The man with the curly hair grabbed a guitar and the other sat behind the drum kit.

"Alright, guys. Where's the rest of ya?" The producer in the corner asked. I looked over at the two boys behind the glass, they just shrugged.

Then, I heard more loud noises by the door, and two more people walked in. I gasped. It was David and the singer of his band. "Oh, fuck..." I said quietly to myself, throwing my book over my eyes.

I peered onto the desk that was in front of me, seeing a bandanna that Axl must have left behind. I grabbed it and quickly tied all of my hair up, covering my whole head with the bandanna so you couldn't see my hair. David knew my caramel, long wavy hair too much and would know it was me if he saw it. I put the book up to my face again so that nobody could see my face.

The two of them walked past me without glancing at me. They too joined the guys behind the glass, picking up instruments and talking to each other. I really wanted to get the hell out of there, but it would be way too obvious if I just stood up and left.

The singer started playing notes on his guitar and the rest of the band soon filled in the sound. To be honest, they actually sounded decent. But I didn't want to admit that to myself.

In the middle of the first song, the door burst open and in stumbled two people. The music soon stopped and I glanced over to the door. It was Axl and Izzy. Axl raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "Michelle, why the fuck are you wearing my bandanna on your head?" He walked over to me and grabbed it, pulling it off of my head, making my hair fall down to it's normal position.

I looked over to the glass and saw everyone in the band staring at me. I didn't look at David, even though I knew he was looking. "Hey, it looks like we have a fan!" The drummer yelled, pointing at me.

I bit my lip, covering my face with my hand, trying to hide my redness. What the fuck, now David probably thought I was stalking him. Which was the last thing I wanted.

Why did I care anyway? I don't care about David, I needed to move on. I jumped out of the chair and walked over to the door, where Izzy was standing. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the door with me. "Let's please get out of here."

Izzy stopped in the hallway once we got out of the practice room. He looked over at me with a confused face. "Why were you in there, listening to David's band?" He folded his arms.

"I got trapped, I was waiting for you but they walked in and I couldn't leave." I explained, but he wasn't buying it.

"What do you mean, you couldn't leave?" He questioned me, starting to look pissed off.

I bit my lip. "The door was locked."

He shook his head. "No, it wasn't, because Axl and I came in." He un-crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm gonna go back to practicing with Axl. I guess I'll see you later." And with that, he turned around and walked back into the practice room to join him.  

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