We have to figure this out,like NOW!

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[on 4 way with the girls]

Aleah: So when are we going to tell them?

Hailey: maybe a couple weeks from now, we have to hang out with them & talk to then in a regular basis then tell them.

Whitney:okay but they're not gonna believe us!

janae:Well we have to tell then but then if they still don't believe us we'll have to show them!

Aleah: & how exactly are we gonna do that?

Janae: show them out fangs & our true eye color!

Whitney:IDK about all this its making me unsure!

Hailey:but we have to save them! no matter how we feel about it!

Whitney: okay so that's the plan?!



Janae:can you not say that again in life!?

Hailey:you sounded like my grandma !

Whitney:LOL Ik OK we have to get some rest, wait no we don't we're vampires!

Aleah:you keep forgetting your a vampire like you haven't been 1 your while life!

Whitney: I just wanna know how it feels to sleep!

Vampire Behavior!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon