Baby I

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Ariana's POV:

5 years and after everything we've been through he cheats on me with my best friend...well ex-best friend now. Louis and I were high school sweethearts I loved him and I thought he loved me back but I guessed wrong instead he loved my best friend. Somehow I feel like I'm better off without him, since we broke up a few months ago I signed up for The X-Factor UK. [A/N I know she doesn't live in England but just imagine she does for this story] and I got 1st place and got signed to a record deal. Now it's time for the next season to start and I got asked to be one of the judges. It was audition day #1 and I got dressed into a black high low dress with silver heels. It was about an hour into auditions when a familiar voice started singing, then I saw their face and just like I suspected.... Louis stood there right infront of me singing, he looked at me the whole time. I had a sudden urge to press my button, but I didn't. Louis stopped singing and like all the other judges I stood up and clapped, We all gave our comments and I surprisingly said yes to him moving forward in the show. After all the auditions I was walking to my dressing room when I felt a hand grab my wrist.

Louis' POV:

Okay I can't help it anymore so I grabbed her wrist she turned around and the minute she saw me she got her wrist out of my grip.                                                                                                                           "What do you want Louis?" she said sounding really annoyed at me which I don't blame her for.     "Let me explain Ariana, please." I said desperate for her to hear me out.                                                "You have 2 minutes Louis not a second more" I sighed in relief at her responce.                                "Ariana it was a complete misunderstanding, Elizabeth asked me out and I said no and then she saw you and kissed me, please Ariana look," I showed her texts from Elizabeth asking me if her kissing me made me single Ariana started tearing up.                                                                                                       "I can't believe she would hurt me like that" Ariana said now having tears slowly run down her face. "Ariana, please give me another chance." I asked quietly.                                                                                "I'll have an answer for that tomorrow let me just process all of this." With that she walked off.

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