emo couple

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Emo couple

I saw an emo couple at the park lately.

They were holding hands and they lookd really sweet.

All smiles and affection was shown in their faces.

And damn! It was so sweet.

Emo couples always seem to look so romantic

And they stand out like they are the only person in the world and its not because of how they dress but because of how they love each other while locking their hands together.

I sometimes wonder why people become emo.

It really seems pretty cool and I wouldn't know how 'EMO feels like because I'm si much far from emo.

I've heard emo people cut heir wrists. OMG! Is it true? But why?

Why would someone do like that?

Emo people look pretty cool like how they dress, how they look, how they continue living their lives while standing out from

The rest.

Emo couplrs are really cute. And emo guys too! Haha :-)

A pair of emo really suit each other. Haha :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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