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I tried everything, I slapped him, poured water on him, but nothing worked. I started crying, my heart accelerating. I grabbed my phone and frantically began to call Tessa. It took her a while but she answered.

"Hello?" She said, her voice drowsy.

"Tessa!" I cried.

"What's wrong?" She asked, fully awake now. I could her movement as she quickly got ready.

"Liam, he..the Executors," I couldn't put my words together. "I don't know what to do!"

"I'm coming, don't worry," Tessa said. "I'll call Ronnie, okay. It's okay, we'll help him. Just stay calm, okay?"

"Okay." Then I hung up, wiping the tears and taking deep breaths. He needed me and I needed myself to be strong.

I looked at Liam and I held onto his hand, praying for him to be okay. I ran to the bathroom and got a wet cloth. I wiped the sweat from his forehead and from his torso.

He gave a yell suddenly, making me jump.

"Liam!" I exclaimed, shaking his shoulders. "LIAM!"

His eyes twitched but didn't open. He coughed and blood streamed out from the corners of his mouth. I quickly wiped it as I heard someone jump in. It was Tessa.

"What is it?!" She asked as she ran over.

"I had a dream! I'll explain later, help him!" I said.

"What's wrong with him?!" She said, leaning down to hear his heartbeat.

"Someone's telekinetically killing him! How do we stop it?!"

"I do have something," said a voice. We both turned to find Rowena standing there.

"How did you get in here?!" Tessa exclaimed viciously.

I touched her arm, stopping her. "You said you have something. Can it help?"

"It will definitely help him, but I will only save him on one condition."

"What is it?"

"Join me."

"No!" Tessa protested to me. "You can't!"

I clutched my head. I looked at the dying Liam whose nose was bleeding. He coughed a few times again. "I'm sorry, Tessa." I stood up and faced Rowena. "Heal him and then I'll go with you."

She nodded. She threw a bottle that was the size of my thumb to me.

I looked at her suspiciously. I opened it and took a tiny sip. She didn't look worried, so I knew it wasn't poison. Then I gently reached under Liam's shoulders and set him up against me.

I poured the liquid into his mouth and waited. Then he coughed again and his eyes slowly opened. "Laina," He croaked. I almost cried again because I was so relieved.

"Liam!" I cried, setting him back down into his pillow. "Are you okay?"

"I think so." He weakly turned and found Rowena, his gaze turned hostile. "Why is she here?"

"She...she saved you," Tessa answered.

"Why?" Liam asked, looking at me.

I didn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, Liam."

"What? Are you seriously doing what I think you're doing?!" He exclaimed.

I kissed his lips and then I stood. He quickly sat up and grabbed my hand. "Don't you dare, Laina!" He said angrily.

"Please, Liam," I whispered. I pulled out of his grasp, he was a bit weak from the dream.

"No!" He said.

"Don't go, Laina," Tessa agreed.

I walked to Rowena. "Let's go," I snapped coldly.

She nodded. She pulled out a square the size my fingernail and as it came in contact with my skin, I felt someone grab my wrist and I was thrown into an abyss with the person still holding onto my wrist.

Suddenly, we were in a dark, dirty hallway and I staggered back, my head spinning. I turned to find Tessa wheezing, her hands clasped around my wrist. "Tessa?!" I said.

"What are you doing here?!" Rowena hissed. "Guards!"

Several men came running and grabbed her as she fought back. "No!" I yelled, pushing them away. "Stop! Just let her go, don't hurt her!"

"We don't allow someone who's an enemy to walk out alive!" Rowena said angrily. "Put her in one of the cells."

"No!" I repeated, punching a guard and sending him sprawling. Tessa yanked herself away and came next to me.

"Laina, let's get out of here," she said.

"You guys aren't going anywhere!" Rowena exclaimed. "You, Tessa, will be terminated soon and you"- her voice softened when she turned to me-"you will be brainwashed and your Bite will be extinguished."

"What?!" I cried as the guards grabbed us again. "No! I won't let you!"

They dragged us away as she followed us talking. "I can't let you keep those memories, those relationships from the past will affect how you view your father and I. It will render our relationship into pieces, I won't let that happen."

"Let me go!" I screamed, thrashing. But the men were strong and even my superstrength couldn't do much. "You can't do this to me!"

"We'll start over again, move away and live again," she said as they threw us into a cell. "Don't be scared, this nightmare will be over very soon, Ria."

"It's Laina," I spat as they injected something into my neck.

"Well, you should start getting used to it, because that is what we'll be calling you," she said, walking away as I fell unconscious.

I woke up on a hard, stone ground. It was gray and dreary and I realized that I was back in prison. "Laina?" I heard someone call.

I turned and there in the corner sat Tessa. "Tessa!" I said.

"You alright?" She asked, crawling over.

"Yeah. Where are we?" Then I remembered what had happened.

"I have no idea."

"How did you get here?"

"What exactly happened to Liam?"

"I had a dream where my real parents wanted to see me. They had a telekinetic friend connect me to them. And in the dream, they said they were going to kill Liam-"

"And we almost did, but I figured how that you'd never join us if we killed him. And so I decided to save him and after we brainwash you, we'd kill him," Rowena finished as she walked in front of our cell. "Don't worry about the boys, they're fine."

We watched her in silence. Then I broke it. "What do you want?"

"My daughter."

"You're not going to get her!" Tessa said.

"But I already have. We're going to start the brainwashing in a few days," Rowena told us. Then she walked away, leaving us anxious and scared.

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