The Baby Rattle

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  I feel so bad.  Finally it's spring break, I've been pregnant for about a month.  And my mom is so upset.  She's not making me abort it, but she doesn't know if she's gonna let me keep it.  I really want to keep it, and then one day Chad and I might move in together after high school.  I might have to live with my mom for a few years so Chad can go to college and he can get a job to support our family.  But my mom won't be happy about it.  There's a couple down the street who are looking to adopt, so my mom wants to give it to them until I'm done with college and then I might have it back once I get married and get a house.  Then the kid will be like 5 and it will be used to growing up with different parents.  I want my child to grow up with me.  To know my face.  That way the kid won't have to get used to me and also have to visit the other parents they grew up with every weekend or something.  Not that they're bad people, just that u don't want to have to go through that.  I don't want to have to give my child up for adoption even for a few weeks.  One time i was dancing and my mom stopped me.  "Honey!  You're shaking your child like a baby rattle!"
  Usually she would say hurricane or something rattle?  Is my mom attached to this baby?

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