Letter Six

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Dear Ryland and Rocky and I can't forget, Savannah,

So, I have been thinking, which is never a good sign. It's never a good sign, because my thoughts only ever lead to bad things.

I hope you guys are happy that you broke up Ross and Courtney. Ross wouldn't have almost bleed to death, if it weren't for you two. Two, Rydel doesn't seem bubbly anymore, which is mainly your guys' fault. Hell, I should be adressing this letter to Savannah too.

Savannah, you seriously hurt Rydel. I thought that you guys were going to be best friends forever, along with Courtney and the other Vanni. But, I guess I was wrong. You are just like Ryland and Rocky. You used our family. You used our family for your own sick entertainment. You used our family to get the praise from all the fans, who would come to your movie, buy tickets, buy merch, and buy everything in between. You used the love and the trust from our family for your fame. I can't believe you would actually do something like this Savannah. I actually thought better of you.

Ryland, you are a no good, lying, backstabbing, cold hearted, and rude ass little brother. You ruines this family. Ellington might have a chance at being gay, and he doesn't want the family to know. I hope you are happy with yourself. I hate you so much. More than I did after you came out with this stupid faking death game. I hate you so much. I honestly wish you were dead. I honestly wish that I didn't have to stare into your cold eyes, everytime I come downstairs. I hate you so damn much. You ruined this family. Do you care? Ha, I could only imagine how little you care. You and Savannah were only in it for the amount of money you were going to get for the movie. You disgust me beyond belief. You aren't my brother. You are just the worsr possible thing that I could ever imagine. Ryland, you disgust me. I hate you. And Ryland, you aren't my little brother anymore. . . I disown your lame excuse for a baby brother ass.

Rocky, you are the one I'm least disappointed in. Even though I hated you after you faked your death, I realized that I shouldn't hate you. You have done nothing wrong. The only thing you have done wrong is go along with Ryland's sick and twisted plan. You were a puppet on his strings. You had no control over anything you were doing. Ryland did. If you didn't do what he said, he would threaten you. I am disappointed though, that you never told us. It makes me unhappy. I'm not sure how to feel about you.

I hope you three are happy. You ruined the Lynch family. . .




Rocky reread the part of Riker's letter that was about him. He never thought that the movie would get this out of hand. He only saw it as something that would make the fans feel emotions. But, now it was bigger than that. It was the reason the family was so screwed up. It was all their faults. Rocky couldn't believe after these five years, he still was listening to Ryland.

Angrily, Rocky got up. He stormed into Ryland's room. He didn't care to knock, because he knew that Savannah and Ryland would be editing the movie. The door being thrown open, startled Savannah, who was on Ryland's lap.

"Rocky, we just finished editing the part where Ellington comes out as gay," Ryland chuckles. "Wanna see it?"

Ryland thought it was funny. He thought this whole movie was all fun and games. Ryland didn't care who got hurt. Savannah stood up, to reveal Ryland's still breaded face. She continued to walk over to Rocky. Savannah places her hand on his shoulder, before being pushed off. She stumbles and falls to the bed.

"Rocky!" Ryland growls.

"You find this funny, huh?! You find it funny that Ellington is gay for me, and I might be gay for him?! You are a sick, sick person Ryland. I would understand why the family thinks that you are the reason they are falling apart. You have been mind controling me for too long. And I have had it. I am done with you and your crap! I am done doing everything you want and hurting the ones I love. You are nothing but a cold hearted, souless, inconsiderate human being and not to mention a relationship ruiner. Ryland, I hate you so damn much. Never speak to me again." With those final words, Rocky's hand met Ryland's cheek.

Before Rocky stormed away, he threw the notebook at Ryland's chest. He knew what was inside was going to bruise Ryland. He just had to make sure he read it.


😱😱😱 I wrote something that I never thought I would write. I am not sure how to feel about this letter. I put so much emotion into it, it's not even funny. This makes me want to cry. I can't even comprehend what all just happened.


1. Why do you think Rocky finally broke?

2. Do you think Ryland was being a jerk when he laughed at the fact thay Ellington might be gay for Rocky?

3. How do you feel about Riker's letter? Do you think he was stating the truth? Or was he just being a jerk?

Alright, I have a three day weekend this weekend, and then the following week after next week, I have spring break. I am excited to update!! I am sorry for those of you who felt extreme emotion durning this.

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Also. . .

He's number 16 on the ice rink, but in my heart, he's number one.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed. I love you all!! Rockers keep on Rocking. And I'll see you in the next one!!

~Rydel's Babe

Word count: 1,000

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