Letter Eight

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Dear Ryland,

Some things you said have really hurt the family, ya know? I have tried to keep my nose out of it, but I can't and I'm done trying too. I can't understand why you want to be so brutal to the others, especially Rocky. He helped you with a movie that would ruin of our lives.

But you don't seem to care. All you seem to care about is the money you would get for releasing it. Hell, no one would want to see a movie that you ruined your our siblings' lives. You are just so damn messed up.

There are times when I wonder why I even took your spot in the band. There are times when I question our friendship. I should have known that you were always out to get me. It was always so in my face. I just refused to believe what mind kept telling me. You were only using all of us for your own fame, money, and pleasure. You, Ryland Michael Lynch, freaking discuss me. You want to hurt your own family, just so you can be the next big thing?

Well, guess what Ryland. This isn't a damn dream! This is reality! That movie you worked almost six years on, will be erased from your har drive! You are trying to ruin your siblings' dreams, so why shouldn't we ruin yours?! Huh?! Because you are the baby of the family? Well, news flash Ryland. You aren't the baby of the family anymore.

Hell, you're not even a Lynch anymore.

- Ellington


Ellington proceed to reread his letter that he was just about to close the notebook page on. He couldn't stand to go along with the fact that Ryland had used the whole Lynch family, inculding Ellington himself. It was all a mistake. He joined the band. He took Ryland's unwanted spot. He took Ryland's fame. Maybe if Ryland was in the band, he wouldn't have used his mind tricks to get Rocky and Savannah to do what he wanted.

Ellington placed his head in his hands as he thought. The pain that was felt durning the letter, started to creep back into him. After all Ryland had done to them, Ellington was feeling pain for Ryland. He couldn't believe what he was thinking. He shouldn't feel pain for Ryland. At this point, no one should. Not even Ryland's fans, who all swerved to a different lane when Ryland died. Ellington, on the other hand, didn't want to feel the pain he was feeling. It was like a bullet to the side; The bullet was lodged between two ribs, but the pain of slowly bleeding to death and the sharp pain if breaths would make anyone want to cry.

Ellington felt the pain start to increase as he remembered how he confessed his feelings for Rocky to the notebook. He remembered that his parents disowned him, kicked him out, and told him to never speak to them again. It was all painless moments ago, but now it was the pain pressing against Ellington's ribs that made him want vomit. Ryland ruined his life. It was his fault.

In several seconds flat, the lamp that have given Ellington light to write, was flung across the room where it hit a wall, shattering. Ellington let out a loud and upset scream, letting his pain lace in with it. He hated how he was feeling. The pain got worse; it was starting to make his head spin. The bullet was being pressed further and further into Ellington's side, tearing things along the way. Ellington, in a rampage of anger, took the notebook and went to the exact page he told it that he loved Rocky. From there he ripped it out, before he shred it into thousands of little peices fluttering to the ground. Then Ellington took the notebook, throwing it as far away from him as he could. The notebook smacked against the wall next to the door, before falling to the ground.

Ellington found himself on his knees, hot tears pouring down his face. His whole life was ruined. And it was all because of Ryland and his stupid feelings.


Welp, that was quite intense, if I do say so myself.

I'm not sure where any of that came from, so don't bother asking. 😂😂


1. Why do you think Ellington finally sat down and wrote a letter to Ryland?

2. Why do you think he acted the way he did?

3. Do you think it's because he doesn't want anyone else' life to be crushed by the truth of what is in the movie?

4. Did you guys enjoy?

Well, I have that done. Now, before I go on a picture posting spree. . .

For the next chapter:

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Thank you, Rockers. I love you so much. Keeping on Rocking Rockers!!

~Rydel's Babe

Holy hell. . . It's a grow up. (1)

(2. Feat Gator.)

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