Chapter Three

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Dani's POV

"meet at the back of the school at last period"

"o-ok" I went to my class and didn't even pay attention. Goodbye good grades!

Amy's POV

Afraid, Fat, Small, Sounds Like A Dying Cow, Worthless...

That's just some of the words I'm called. What did I do? I made one small mistake that no one will forgive me for. One small mistake that I didn't even know I made. Can one person forgive me? If I accomplish my goals will that make me better? I just want a fried again, somebody to hold onto when I am tumbling down. That's all I want. Some one to care for me. Can someone answer my prayers.

Class finally finished and I was able to go home. Yay! Somewhere where people don't call me names!

Katherine's POV

I went to my fathers room ready for my next beating. Oh dear Lord, please help me. He beat me till I was bruised and battered. I hate life.

"NOW GO, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH!" I tried getting up but I was to weak to. He pulled me by my hair and threw me on the ground and beat me more because I couldn't leave soon enough. So much for making it to school tomorrow. I left and went to my room as soon as he was done. Unfortunately I share a room with Christina. I know She'll notice. Maybe I can hide it. But if I use her make-up she might get mad. I'll just wear long clothes. I guess...

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