I've Been Tagged Again :'D

442 19 27

Buhuhu, guess I'll have to do it, huh? T﹏T

Tagged by @Hetalia_WallStreet
Why?? Why?? XD Joke, I'm just kidding. I love answering questions. :) Let's do this!

1.) Who is your celebrity crush?
- Honestly, no one. But I do have an anime crush. XD

2.) Something you can't live without?
- Well, *takes out a really long list* Oh wait, do you mean like just one thing? O-or like as many as I like? XD Because if it's as many as I like: I can't live without my sketchpads, my pencils, my phone, my books, my earphones, my memory card (where all my anime and yaoi stuff is stored XD), my bed, food, Wi-Fi, colored pencils, pens, my guitar and piano, and my pillows. XD
But if It's only just a single thing, then I can't live without oxygen. XD

3.) Someone that's saved your life?
- Well, I've never really been in danger before. But if you put it that way, ever since Anime_Otaku_12 came into my life, I changed. Does that count? :)

4.) Somone you look up to?
- My parents.

5.) Favorite Song?
- Gah! I like a lot of songs! DX But eh, I have to pick one, so.. Porque by Maldita (but the Chavacano Version). I love that song. You should go check it out. :)

6.) Last movie you saw in Theaters?
- Uh, I can't remember... XD Let me ask my brother....

... It's The Good Dinosaur. I already asked him. Hey, thanks bro! XD

7.) Next movie you hope to see?
- Zootopia!!! I'm really curious about that movie! Plus the female bunny protagonist is kawaii af. ♥3♥

8.) Career Goal?
- I'm not sure... But I do want to be a journalist together with Anime_Otaku_12 or Yeji for short. :)

9.) Favorite color?
- Purple

10.) Someone that annoys you?
- Oh, Yeji!! I bet we can both answer this question, right? Hmm, I honestly wonder who that person is! *sarcasm* Sadly, I can't mention his name here. X'D

11.) Favorite Disney Character?
- Merida with her thick Scottish accent. :D

12.) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Still in school. :'D

13.) Favorite Food?
- I have a lot of favorite food! DX But I guess I'll pick Lechon Manok. XD If you don't know what that is, look it up.

14.) If you could fly any-
- *as fast as the speed of lightning* Italy or Spain! I've always wanted to visit their art museums and their beautiful attractions. :D

15.) Last person you texted?
- Yeji. XD

Well then, I'm done! :D Wait, is this the part where I tag people too? XD Eh, I think I'm not gonna do that anymore. Mainly because I don't have a lot of friends here and because I want to save what little sanity is left of my friends. XD Kidding.

If you're wondering about the next update.. It will be here soon. Hopefully. DX I really hate how I have no ideas when writing a chapter. For some reason, my ideas pop up when I'm already writing. Sometimes, it doesn't, and that results to shorter and boring chapters. And I don't want that! It's like I'm writing for the sake of writing, you get what I mean? I want to write chapters because I love writing, and not just for the sake of updating. I want to have longer chapters, since that would be better for you guys, and cause 'Fated To Be With's almost ending. D: So please be patient. I just hate myself sometimes..

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