Chapter 15: Bittersweet Day

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One morning my Mom invited Shanté and Justice over for breakfast. They come over time to time.

"Morning Mr. and Mrs. August." They say.

"Morning girls. We wanted you three together for a reason." Mom says.

We look at each. Dad smiles. Ok this is one of those rare times he agrees with Mom.

"We got you three backstage passes to a Lil Wayne concert." Dad says.

"Thank you Daddy!" I say

We spent all our time preparing for the concert and keeping it on the hush. After the final bell Malachi found me.

"Hey Niq Niq, can we talk?" He asks.

"What about?" I ask. He's been calling me nonstop since the party.

"I'm sorry about the party. What can I do to make it up to you." He says.

"There's nothing you can. My Dad says a true man is his woman's ride or die. And you weren't down with me. I'm out. Delete my number and don't bother me again." I say while closing my locker and heading to the parking lot.

At home I was in the living room with Dad.

"I broke up with him Dad. You always said a man should always be by his woman's side." I say.

"You always have me. Always and forever." Dad says and smiles. I hug him.

"Thanks Daddy." I say.

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