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I walked in the huge doors of the college, which was built to resemble American colleges. After a long summer break, it was good to be back. I hadn't seen my best friend since last term, because she went back to the states to visit her family. It was a long 8 weeks, and I missed the company of my loud and mostly annoying class.

I walked down the hallway to my locker which was situated next to my best friend's. Rainbow Bridge College wasn't the biggest school in Seoul, but it certainly was the biggest school that I've attended. About once or twice, I heard my friends talking about how big YG college and SM college were. One of those times, I even asked why they didn't move there if they were so fascinated. They said that some shit happened there, and that they preferred a clean environment like RBC.

YG and SM was were all the so called 'popular' kids attended, so we were left to feel like the underdogs.

Before summer break, Wheein, hyejin, byulyi and I decided to form a band. We thought it was just for fun, but turns out we took this career a lot further than we originally intended. We came back after break as rookie singers.

Our principal, who also happened to be our new CEO, ran Rainbow Bridge World Entertainment. Many of our talented students attended there in their spare time. It was easy with RBW and RBC together, as we could study and achieve our singing dreams at the same time.

After I collected my books for the new term, I bumped into my best friend Wheein.

She engulfed me in a huge hug and Hyejin came in after.

'Have you seen Byulyi?'

They both shook their heads in unison.

'She can't be late, she's never late.'

As soon as I said that, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I flinched and turned around to see my best friend Byulyi right behind me.

'I guess we'll leave you two be.'

The other two laughed and walked towards the library.

'I missed you.'

'I missed you too.'


At times like these, Yongsun really made me hate visiting my family in the states. There was something about her that attracted me. It was like some sort of magnetic force pulling me towards her. I guess because our chemistry is better than most people's.

I put my arm around her and we walked towards the principals office. It was the start of a new year and we were yet to find out our dorms. Lucky for us, the four of us were put into the same dorm because of our singing status.

We all had been friends since the beginning of elementary school. I could visualise the smaller versions of them all. It was a funny thought for me, as I felt as if Yongsun unnie should've been reminiscing about it since she's the oldest, but the thought of small Wheein, Yongsun and Hyejin made me laugh.

'What's up moon star?'

Yongsun put her hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing too much. I guess she was embarrassed by my actions. I earned the name 'Greasy Byulyi' in middle school because I made the weirdest comments about the girls. Their reactions were always priceless.

Once we reached the dorm, she sat me down on our assigned beds and whispered;

'Should we start?'

I nodded.

Being in a secret relationship was difficult, and we didn't want to go all out like proper couples did. We still wanted to retain the "friendship" aspect within ourselves. She gave me a quick peck on my cheek and said,

'It's been a long time, moon star.'

I had to agree.

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