I Spy Rosa X Ross

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Rosa's POV
   "Hey Ross!" I say as me, Ash and Bri walk in. Bri strolls over to chat with Barney, and Ash just scoffs, rolls her eyes, and walks down the hall to her cubicle. Okay, let's just say, #Brianey and #AshMax!! Yes, I ship both. I call it: Double OTP-ing! Sorry if I'm rambling, I'm just very hyper sometimes... Or is it all the time? Nah!
   I scramble down to my office and log onto Minecraft. Time for some Build-Battle with Adam and Red!
   Woo-hoo! That was tiring! First Build-Battle with Adam and Red, then Adam wants to do some Do Not Laugh with me, Max, him and Bri! Next up, Ash has me and Max do Pixel Painters too! Finally, Cory needs me to play a character in his Undertale roleplay with him and Shelby! Or Shubble, or Megan, or Shingle...
   I haven't been able to talk to Ross talk day! That's a bummer! Though, my lunch break starts in a few minutes, so maybe I could ask him out to some Olive Garden! Er, not ask him out, just take him on a friendly lunch da—trip. Friendly lunch trip. Where the hell am I getting these thoughts? I don't know, I really don't.
   I got out of my chair and walked towards the main room, finding Ross was already there.
   "Hello again!" I chirp. He chuckles. Okay, not to say anything too large, but I might have just a small crush on Ross. Just a small one. Alright, that's a huge lie! I have a super big crush on him!
   "H-hey Rosa! I was wondering..." he started. Oh how I love that smile. Sorry if I sound like a creep, I kinda do... But he's just so nice, and cute, and funny. And pretty Rossome too!
   "If you wanted to go to Olive Garden?" we ask at the same time. We laugh out loud.
   "How'd you know?" Ross wonders.
   "Hey, great minds think alike." I reply, shrugging. He chuckles again.
   "Want some now? Lunch break just started, so we can do what we want for the next hour." Ross tells me.
   "Yeah!" I answer almost immediately. I love Olive Garden~Sama. Don't worry IHOP~Chan! I haven't forgotten you!
   "Alrighty then, let's go!" he says, holding the door open for me. I walk out, Ross behind me. Today will be better than I imagined!
   We arrived at the beautiful restaurant, heading inside. We grabbed ourself a table for two, and ordered our food and drinks. Everything was set up. Three fangirls ran up to our table.
   "OMG! Rosa and Ross, we are such big fans! Can we have a selfie?" questions the first girl.
   "Of course!" we say happily. Me and Ross hugged the girls and winked as the camera went off.
   "Can you sign my t-shirt?" asks the second girl, handing us a marker. We sign our gamer tags on her shirt.
   "Do you want anything?" I ask the third girl, who was shyly standing behind the first two girls.
   "No, I do have a question though." she says.
   "Go for it." Ross encourages her.
   "Are you guys on a date? Because if so, can I have a picture for my Rossa fan page?"
   Me and Ross are frozen to our seats, not saying anything. I finally speak up.
   "No no no no no. W-we're not on a date," I laugh uncomfortably,"Just out on our lunch break!" Ross nods his head.
   "Can I still take a picture?" she wonders hopefully. Me and Ross sigh in defeat.
   "Fiiiiiiiiiiine," we say, giving in. She squeals, and snaps a couple pictures of me on Ross's lap. They leave, leaving me alone with Ross again. Thank goodness for that!
   "Y'know, about what she said before..." Ross starts. Where's he going with this?
   "About what?" I ask.
   "Rosa," Ross takes my hand,"Will you go out with me?" The words hit me like a punch in the face. He, Ross, actually likes ME?
   "Y-yes. Yes I will!" I giggle, stuttering out my answer. I hugged him out of excitement.
   "Y'know what would be cool?" Ross asks me as I squeeze him.
   "The ability to breathe."
   "Whoops! Sorry Ross, but c'mon! Let's go before people start wondering where we are!"
   "Okay, I'm coming!"
A/N: Isn't it cute?! Pretty good chapter if I do say so myself! If liked it, please vote! If not, leave a comment saying why you didn't enjoy! Comment down below,... Who's your favorite singer, and why?
      ––Shadow out.

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