Wanna Play Fallout?

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Ash's POV
Me, Rosa, and Bri stroll into SkyMedia, eager for the day ahead. Not really, it was just gonna be a whole 'nother crap load of awkwardness. Rosa greeted Ross, who said hello with a small smile that was probably melting her heart. Bri went over to hold a conversation with Barney, whom was probably squealing on the inside about her 'beauty'.
Sorry, I'm not jealous, well sort of. They just have the actual courage to go and talk to their crushes! And I... And I can't even speak a word on how I feel to Max...
I roll my eyes and scoff as I jog down to my office.
I only realized how I felt a few weeks ago. So many things just made me realize... His laugh, his looks, his smile, but most of all, his personality, and how he acts towards me.
He acts very cute, especially when he gets pissed. Sorry, I'm just rambling, aren't I... I'll, I-I'll get to work now...
   What an eventful morning. Finish The Story here, an adventure map there... Me and Rosa also did some Pixel Painters with Max, but it was still sorta awkward... I was able to edit the video enough to make it seem like we were doing pretty awesome.
   I leaned back in my chair.
   Y'know what?! I bet all my money that Ross will ask out Rosa, and Barney will ask out Bri by lunch! Rossa and Brianey will sail!
   I usually don't spend my thinking, pondering about ships. But it's the first thing that came to mind! I never shipped anyone because I didn't want to be shipped back, though this literally started on my very first day. So...
   [A/N: No joke. I'm actually being shipped in real life with my best friend Maxwell. The unfortunate ship name is Ashwell, or Maxley because it's: Ashley X Maxwell. I'm not a real big fan of it, but my other friend is being shipped too so, TAKE THAT KATELYNN!!]
   I sigh. Adam kinda-sorta needs me for that challenge video for OfficeAntics, so I can not be late for that!
   "Um, h-hey Ash?"
   I look to the doorway. It was Max.
   "Oh! Hey Max. Whatcha need?" I ask, giving a small smile.
   "Nothing, just wanted to see if, you were free sometime? I wanted to know if you could come over to play some Fallout 4." Max says, scratching the back of his neck.
   "Yeah! Sure! Does tomorrow sound good?" I ask him. He nods.
   "Yeah! Sounds great!" exclaims Max, giving a grin. I giggle.
   "See you later!" I say, waving him off. Was he nervous? I guess he was just concerned for me... I can see why, he probably wants to clear a few things up between us. Why didn't I think if that?
   I get up out of my chair, and go to the room where we do challenges. Welp! Here goes nothing!

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