Im In WHAT?!

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(Edited a bit)

School. Correct me if i'm wrong but school is just the worst place to be when the weather is so god damn hot. My face was lied flat against the table as my math teacher, Mr Norman, continued to yak on and on about some Greek guy called Phythagorus? Piethagoras? Never mind.

Have I introduced myself yet? I think not. My name is Jordan, Jordan Hobs. Age of 17 and an average school dropout. Height of 6,2 with short brown hair and green eyes. Are they special? Yes. Do I care? No.

"JORDAN" I snapped out of my thoughts as Mr Norman scram my name. Jeez, can't this guy take a break, any second now his head is gonna explode from all the yelling. A few of my classmates sniggered at me being scolded at. To me this was just a normal routine as not a day pass by where I don't get either detention or an earful from a teacher.

" Ah yes Mr Norman? What was the question" I asked half-heartily.

"Very funny Mr Jordan. The question I have been asking was 'Should Mr Jordan here receive detention for day-dreaming in my class?'. The answer is YES." Good old Mr Norman handing out detentions.

Most of the class erupted into fits of laughter at my misery whereas some pitied my luck. My only response was to look ahead with an impassive face hoping to get through the day without any more detentions. But with my luck, 4 or more detentions will be coming.

"FINALLY" I yelled as I walked out of the school compounds

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"FINALLY" I yelled as I walked out of the school compounds. Getting on my bike, I proceeded to ride back home. It wasn't a long ride, a 20 minute ride back home with me stopping to but a can of coke. Parking my bike beside the door, I unlocked the door and entered a two floored house. The darkness of the room was what met me at first glance but I had gone use to it over the past years of going home without anyone in there. Both my parents come home at midnight and leave to work at the break of dawn. Most kids would felt abandoned by this but I was ok, I mean the house was mine and I can do whatever I wanted while they were at work.

Without wasting any precious time, I ran up the stairs and went through the hallway. At the end of it was a door decorated with the words 'GTFO' signaling it was my room. Opening the door, I proceeded to sit down on my chair and begin to play VainGlory.

What is VainGlory you ask? While Vainglory is a MOBA game created by SEMC which stands for Super Evil Mega Corp. This game was made solely for IOS, meaning it was made for phones and Ipads.

I logged on to my account 'firemonkey228' and proceeded to play a rank match. Rank matches are matches which determine your level in the game. The levels are called tiers and are divided into 10 different tiers with the lousiest being 'Ask Again Later' and the highest being ' Vainglorious'. It has been my dream to reach Vainglorious Gold but sadly I'm still in tier 9 Pinnacle Of Awesome Silver or POA for short.

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