Meeting the heroes

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(Jordan POV)

I awoke to the sounds of swords clanging and people grunting. Annoyed at the prospect of being woken up,I slowly rose from my cold-hard mattress-Wait...when was my mattress hard nor cold. I looked down only to gasp in shock at the outfit I was wearing.

The outfit is was wearing consists of mostly black with a few red linings across my torso and on my collar neck. A long sword sheath that had a sword inserted into it could be seen hanging off my waist. Strangely though, this costume seemed to give me a sense of familiarity. I tried to think where I had seen it before but the idea would not come into my mind.

"Where am I? I thought as I looked around my surroundings to see a large room where certain sections of the room were divided and in them, there were men and women fighting with different weapons .Some fought with a retractable sword-shield thing while another fought with a sword going through his chest. But what surprised me was neither the dangerous weapons they held nor was it the shift from my bedroom to this, training room. It was how these people looked like. In the far end corner I could see a shirtless man wearing blue pants with a set of large wings. At the room near me, I could see a purple haired girl riding a gun-dam. "Joule? Adagio? Ardan?Ozo..." I started to list out each character without stopping. As i reached the end, I realized that these characters were from the very game I love and play-'VainGlory' (Insert meme for 'You Don't Say')

I slowly stood up from the ground, hoping to not attract any attention to myself so that I would be able to easily escape from this room full of hero lookalikes. Just as I was about to move, the sound of a bow string being drawn could be heard behind me.

"Nice job sneaking out of the training room BlackFeather, but now your luck has run out. I suggest you walk straight back into the rooms NOW." A very pissed off female's voice said behind me. "Blackfeather?" I thought, but before I could begin to start questioning whoever was behind me I felt a sharp object touch the back of my neck.I gulped as I slowly turned my body to face whoever was behind me, hoping that she was that she wouldn't shoot me.

What met my eyes was what most would call a both a goddess and the devil itself. The figure who had a futuristic looking bow pointing at me wore a red burette and wore a white cape and pretty much white everything.  What stuck out the most out of her was the two elf ears protruding from each sides of her head. In an instant, I knew this was the famed Stormguard archer, Kestrel.

She must have caught me staring at her as she released an arrow near my face. " Keep staring Blackfeather and the next time I shoot, this arrow will meet its mark between your face." She hissed as all the color from my face drained away.

I steeled my nerves, in hoping to save myself from the wrath of the Elfian archer who stood in front of me. I raid my mind and at what the original BlackFeather would say based on the lines he would say when you play him in VainGlory.

"Come now Kestrel, why must you hate me so?" Surprisingly, my voice produced the sound of some posh French dude, which kinda passes off as the original Blackfeather .

"Why do I hate you? No, no you got me wrong. I don't hate you" I let out a breath of relief at this. " I despise you." WHY MUST THE UNIVERSE HATE ME!"You and your idiotic looking face and voice annoys me so much. Your constant flirting with every single female including me does not help. What I want now is to put ten fucking arrows into your goddam face" I sighed at the flirting part. But I do admit that the original BlackFeather( i'll just call him O'Bf from now on) has balls to be able to flirt with an almost-man hating archer who could kill you from 50 meters away. Like I said, Guts and balls.

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