Chapter 2

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*3 months later*
Mary's POV
I'm sitting on the field on the edge of the cricket pitch, watching the house team bat when I see nanny coming up to me holding baby Sybbie.
"M'lady, can you take Miss Sybbie whilst I get the cream from the sun on the other stuff of the field?" Of course I say yes, I hear the whistle go for half-time and Matthew comes over.
"You look so natural with a baby in your arms, my darling. I can't wait to start making babies ourselves," he adds quietly.
"Stop it! You're making me blush," I exclaim.
I see Tom strolling over with a curious look on his face.
"Why that look?" I question him.
"I was just wondering where nanny is," I explain that she's gone to get some sun cream and ask if I should tell get that he was looking for her. "No," he replies, "I'd rather get be with her auntie Mary. I was wondering, even though she's going to be Catholic, I can have non-catholic godparents so I was wondering..."
"Yes! Of course we'll be her godparents!"
He said thanks and nanny came back to take Sybbie back to the Abbey. Then the whistle blew and Matthew had to go and field. At the very end of the match, Clarkson bowled a very good ball and Tom caught it from an extremely difficult angle. From someone who'd 'never played cricket before' he was jolly good at it.

After the match, everyone (including the servants) has a massive picnic under the trees. Nobody gets waited on and this is one of the three days we don't use the servants along with Christmas lunch and new year's eve. Everyone complimented Tom on his catch including Molesly and Carson and believe me, that's an achievement.

Once I've got changed into my sleeping outfit after dinner I get into bed and Matthew walks in. He crawls across the bed and starts kissing me tenderly and slowly then mumbles, "I take this as my ticket to start making babies with you," I nod and he starts kissing me more passionately...

Sorry the chapter is a bit shorter than the other but I can assure you that the next one will be longer and more dramatic. I'll update again tomorrow. Bye my Downton Fans!

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