The Fifth

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It's pretty comfortable in your bathtub, to be honest. I'd rather sleep somewhere else, but you wouldn't let me.

You know, you're starting to irritate me. Five times I've written to you on here, and not once have I gotten a reply.

You know what that tells me?

It tells me you aren't happy with me. You don't like me.


All I've done is be nice to you. All I've done is try to entertain you a little bit. I could do so. much. more. But I'm being nice.

Why won't you be nice back?

I hope you're not too scared now. I wouldn't wanna scare you away.

And besides: if you ran away, I would chase you. I would catch you.

I caught her, when I chased her.

Maybe I'll tell you what happened someday. Or maybe not.

But I'll catch you.

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