1. Day 1

543 17 1

MB bus: Ray's POV

I hated leaving my family behind, but money's calling me. Me and the boys are chillin on the tour bus, just being ourselves. We literally just pulled onto the interstate headed towards Cali to the recording studio.

This bus is amazing. It has bunks in the back for us and our DJ Myles. He think he a bigdeal. <see what I did there?😜>

We were riding and I could feel the tension in the air. Roc and Prince are barely cool because Prince left Nikki on the side of the road. I can't take this anymore.

"Aye, Prince and Roc." They both looked up at me. "Y'all need to make up because y'all been close or too long to let a girl come between y'all." They weren't hearing me. "Niggas! Make the fuck up! We can have our group lagging and not being in a natural sync if y'all wanna act like bitches!"

"Ain't being no bitch!" Prince said.

"Ditto." Roc nodded.

"Well get it together!"

"Ugh! We cool?" Roc asked.

"Yeah, we cool." Prince agreed and they dapped. Finally we are back in full effect. "Did you sleep with her yet?"

"Might. Did you?"

"Nah. She said she was waiting until she got married.." Prince said as Roc looked away.

"Oh. Well we did. The night you left her on the road."

"Was it good?"

"More than good."

They started watching the TV. That was awkward. I kinda didnt need to know that my wife's twin was good in bed. But, she is YN's sister. I should say that out loud. "She is YN's twin!"

Roc started laughing. "Did YN make the face? Cuz Nikki made a face."

"The 'oh yeah?' face?" I said.

"YES!" We laughed. I missed my wife.

I went to the back where Prod was. He was on the phone cupcaking with Amira.

"Baeeeeee. You know I love you. I wouldn't cheat on you for the world." He told her. He prolly tellin the truth. Lit Prod growin up.

I gotta keep my eye on Roc though. Once he sees these fans, it's gonna be like 'Nikki who?' And Princeton? He single, so I really can't check him on what he does.

Back home: YN'S POV

I just left behind a big piece of my life. A big piece of three more people's lives too. But, I gotta have his back. I gotta let him go. Just for now, though. 6 months. Better believe I'm going to be at the show in Vegas. I cannot wait for the schedule to come out.

I'm driving home with Nikki in the passenger seat and I notice how awkward she is. "Nik.. You okay?"

She looked caught. "Yep."

"Go flush that lie somewhere else. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, YN!"

"Should I call Roc?"

"No!! Alright, alright." What in the world could have happened?! "Princeton kissed me and I think I liked it."

I slammed on brakes. "WHAT THE HELL NIKKI?!"

If it wasnt for the car behind me, I probably would have stayed in the middle of the street. I kept driving mad as hell. Mad at both of them. I couldn't wait to text Ray.

We got home and Nikki went straight to her room. I pulled out my phone and texted Ray.

[toocute]: guess what your BFF did!

[IIwice]: which one?

[toocute]: princeton :/

[IIwice]: what?

[toocute]: he kissed nikki! like right before y'all left.

[IIwice]: awwww shxt! it's finna be WW3 up in here! i ain't sayin shxt!

[toocute]: lmbo. good luck.

[IIwice]: ima need it!

[toocute]: dont call me loca, but i have your sweatshirt that you left, and i am going to wear it every night to remind myself of you.

[IIwice]: i think you have 3 other 'things' as stuff to remember me by.

[toocute]: might.

[IIwice]: im bored -_-

[toocute]: me too! shoot!

[IIwice]: i g2g! group meetin!

[toocute]: ight. ily!

[IIwice]: ily2!


Ik. It's boring. Next chapter is gonna be August 12 - first day of school (d r a m a). "YN is gonna be 4 months"

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