In The End, I'll Always Love You

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I woke up to my phone ringing. The light almost blinding me, I picked it up and looked at the caller ID.


I swear, in that instant, my heart skipped a beat. Before answering, I wondered...why would he be calling now? The band doesn't have any interviews or anything coming up, so there really isn't a reason to communicate. Not that I didn't want to, but...oh whatever. I answered.


M: Hello..?

C: Hey sleeping beauty, I called you three times already.

M: Sorry...I went to sleep really late last night. And..."sleeping beauty"? What the hell?

C: Anyway, get up. We're going swimming.

M: Since when?!

C: Since right now. It's hot as hell, and we need to make the most of summer before it gets colder.

M: You have a point...

C: Yeah, I know. So get up.

M: Okay. Bye.

C: Bye.

[/end conversation]

I sat up, running a hand through my hair. Before I knew it, a smile formed on my face from imagining Chester's body drenched in water. I snapped out of it, shaking my head again. What the hell was I thinking?!

I got to the pool, expecting it to just be Chester and I. I was wrong. Besides Chester were Rob, Brad, Joe, and Dave. It's probably better that they were there too. I might've done something stupid if it were just Chester and I.


I swam over to the side of the pool where Mike was. "C'mon Mike, get in already." He nodded, taking off his T-shirt. I thought he was going to just slide in, but nope. He jumped in, creating only a slight splash. Surfacing, he wiped the water from his eyes and smiled. God, his smile...

[A/N: Sorry I took forever to update .__.'' School's starting in a week or so, so there might be another long wait before I update it again. But I promise to make the wait worth it ( ' ▽ ' )ノ ]

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