Chapter 4

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Today was finally the day. The day where the biggest party was going to held. The mansion was very busy. Everyone was preparing their own things. I was just upstairs getting my hair done and dressing in my new dress. When I was brushing my long hair, a figure stood behind me. Then its gentle, warm arms wrapped around my waist. It was Ciel. He then said," You're very beautiful my lady." He smiled his warm smile. I was so shocked I couldn't way anything since no one ever called me beautiful. He then left my room without another word. I continued brushing my hair and a long pair of arms placed a perfect necklace on my neck. It was Sebastian. He gently kissed my cheek and left. These two series of two handsome men shocked me. I was almost late for the party.

When i went downstairs, everyone was dancing. Then Ciel joined me and began dancing with me. Everyone was dancing in a perfect melody. Sebastian gathered everyone and introduced me to everyone. Then Ciel left me so he could talk to some of the company owners. Suddenly, a pair of white hands held my waist. As I turned around, a boy with golden, blonde hair was smiling at me. He said," Hello my beautiful Princess. My name is Alois Trancy."

I replied," Uhmmm hello, my name is Yuki Phantomhive."

He said," You're so beautiful. Dance with me."

I felt myself blush but was distracted as Alois grabbed my hands and began dancing. He was so different from Ciel. Very cheerful and ... happy. He laughed and giggled as we spun in a circle. Then a tall man, a butler stopped Alois. Alois's face changed into a dark, cold face. He slapped the man and yelled," Don't interrupt me, Claude!" Then he began dragging me somewhere. He asked me to go to a quiet place. He then took me to a small room and left my body to be on the wall. He put his arm on the wall and began running his hands threw my arms. I tried to escape his grip but he was too strong. Alois tried to lean his face toward me and kiss me. Suddenly, Ciel slapped Alois and saved me from his grip!

Story of a Girl and One Hell of a Butler (Kuroshitsuji)Where stories live. Discover now