Lost Friends

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I stepped out from behind the rock, revealing myself to the Homeworld Gems. As I did so, a fourth Gem came out of the green pod. My eyes widened in shock as I saw who the most recent Gem was. Rhodolite.

"I want you to be my best friend forever!" Rhodolite said looking over at me. I smiled and nodded, but suddenly a green Gem sat down inbetween us. It was Green Fluorite.

"I thought I was your best friend." She said with a fake pout. I looked at her and laughed.

"You know I am your best friend." I said happily then looked over to Rhodolite. "You know I am your best friend, too. I'm both of your best friends!" I tackled them, causing us to fall over. We fell apart in a laughing mess.

--present time--
I stood there, confused and overjoyed at the same time. 'Rhodolite is alive! How is she here?' Rhodolite looked over and saw me. She smiled but it quickly vanished as she saw the rest of the Gems.

"What do you want, Jasper?" I heard Amethyst call from above me. I heard some movement, so they were probally summoning their weapons.

"We, the Homeworld Gems, are here to destroy you!" Jasper yelled back.

"Really? I thought you were here to have a party." I hollared at Jasper. I watched as she took a few steps closer and muttered something to Rhodolite. Rhodolite narrowed her eyes, crossed her arms, and looked away. She muttered something to Peridot that made the green Gem smirk.

"Hmm... You are braver than laste time, eh Bloodstone? I remeber when you couldn't choose whose side to fight with during the war." Rhodolite spoke. She laughed then turned to the pod sitting next to her. "Come out you baby!" She yelled slamming her hand against the side of the orb. A green figure emerged. Green Fluorite.

"GREEN FLOURITE! NOOO!" I screamed as I watched my best friend's gem get crushed by a magenta gem, who I used to associated as my best friend also. I shot 5 arrows at the magenta gem, all of them missed, hitting the ground around her.

The magenta gem looked up from the green shards lying on the ground. "I'm sorry Bloodstone! I didn't want any of this! I didn't want to do this!" Rhodolite yelled back as she picked up the sparkling shards. "I will miss you!" She called as she ran away from me.

"No! Come back!" I said as I ran after her. I caught up with her easily and I tackled her. When we hit the ground, Green Flourite's gem shards fell from Rhodolite's hands. They scattered aimlessly in the dust. "Why did you do this?! Rhodolite! You could of gone with the Crystal Gems, with Rose Quartz! Why did you choose to fight on the side of Homeworld, with Jasper? Answer me Rhodolite, answer me..." I cried, tears streaming down my face, picking up a few of the green shards. Rhodolite looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

"I was forced to. I never wanted this! I actually want to be on Rose Quartz side, at your side." Rhodolite muttered. She helped me pick up Green Flourite's gem shards. When we finished gathering the scattered shards, Rhodolite dashed away. She had almost all of the gem shards, but I secretly took a few as we gathered them up.

--present time--

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