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Kenny felt conflicted. He didn't like this side of Anastasia. She wasn't herself and despite him trying to get her up. He couldn't. She was so lost.

A few moments passed as Ana wept and her jaw clenched. Something clicked. Her crying eased and she slowly stood. Wiping her eyes, not caring about her makeup she needed substance. Something.
Kenny- curious. Followed her out as she walked away from the rubble and ash to the front. The sun was setting and Anastasia took a cab to the outside of a rundown neighborhood. "Stop. Don't do this."
She paid the guy and pulled her hood up. Keeping her head low as the came to the end of the street. A lone house stood with three cars outside. She knocked two times and by the time she wanted to knock again the door opened. Two guys were coming out and one bumped into her. "Oh shit."
Anastasia looked up. "Sorry-"
She met James' eyes. "Oh shit little Lucas' cousin."
She panicked.
Cal, her favorite dealer behind him leaned on the door. "Anastasia. Haven't seen you in a while. You two know each other?"
She looked at James' and he nodded. "Yeah."
"Your Lucas- Wait. My little sisters Lucas?"
"Yeah." James repeated staring at her. She wanted to run but was immobile.
"What brings you by? That's so weird." Cal laughed.
"I uh- was in the area and needed a ride home."
"I can take you. I was actually gonna go pick Lucas up."
She nodded and frowned at Cal. "Alright thanks."

The car ride home was uncomfortable. Anastasia shifted and stared outside the window.
James found it equally uncomfortable and tapped along to the radio on the steering wheel.

"How do you know Cal?"

"Uh..." Anastasia rubbed her arm. They came to a red light and she stuttered. James took notice and shrugged. "Don't get your drugs from him. He over charges so much."

Anastasia remained silent. James went on about other dealers in the area and she stopped listening.

"Kinda happy he showed up." Kenny's voice sounded as though he was in the backseat. Anastasia broke her thoughts and asked, "You aren't going to tell Lucas are you?"

James was silent and continued driving. "I won't. But, as long as you never mention Cal selling shit."

Ana was confused. "He doesn't know?"

"Nope. Even Ava doesn't I think."


"Yeah. But, I don't think they would appreciate knowing what he does."

She nodded. "Deal."

The rest of the car ride home Anastasia actually talked. She didn't feel that talking with James was out of sympathy but, he was trying to connect with her some. It was genuine. Awkward yes- But, genuine. They arrived infront of Ana's aunt's home and got out. Lucas was in the garage working on his car.

"Why are you still working on that thing? It's dead." James scoffed.

Hitting his head on the hood, Lucas laughed. "I know you're not talking. How old is your car?"

He saw Anastasia and asked what she did. "Met some old friends."

"I ran into her at the mall and drove her home."

She nodded.

"Sounds fun. Wanna go with us tonight?"

"No thank you. I'm want to stay here tonight."

Lucas closed the hood of his car and leaned on the front. "My parents should be coming back in a while. Hayley's out tonight too."

"Does this mean no Andre?" James groaned.

"Of course not." Lucas frowned. "I need to change I smell like motor oil." He walked ahead of Anastasia and James and closed the garage as they entered the house. Excusing herself and telling them both goodnight, Anastasia escaped to upstairs. She closed her room door and threw herself on her bed. Taking a deep breath as she did so. She felt her hair being stroked and looked up. Kenny looked solemnly at her. He wondered what went on in her head that for once, he couldn't read. Her thoughts were out of his hands. It angered him but, made him worry more than anything.

Anastasia sat up and looked at him. Searching his face for anything before Lucas knocked on her door. "Hey we're going out."


He stood a moment by her door and wondered if she was okay. Anastasia cracked a small smile. "I'm actually gonna catch up on some sleep. Have fun."

He nodded and turned to leave before calling, "I left my number on the counter just in case."

The front doors opened and then closed and a feeling of calm overcame her. She had felt so many things today. She'd realized her home was gone. Everything that was home to her, her parents, and the world she knew before was burned to the ground and never coming back. Turning her head she looked into the vanity mirror across from her bed. Her face was puffy. She'd cried enough in the last few days. "I just want to sleep."

Laying on her back she stared at the ceiling.

"Go to sleep then." Kenny sat next to her. Watching her movements.

She opened her mouth as if to say, 'Forever.' But, stopped. "Promise me-"

He met her eyes.
"You won't let me die."

"What do you mean?"

Taking hold of his hand she smiled with glazed over eyes. "Just promise."

If it meant this Anastasia would disappear and the one from before would come back. Kenny nodded, "I promise."

"Good. Sleep with me. Tonight."

Anastasia slept soundly against Kenny. Her chest rising and falling as she held onto his hand while she slept. Kenny on the other hand was wide awake. Her words from before stuck with him. He realized no longer Anastasia would fear him as much. Because she had too many things in her own head and around her to hurt her... More than he ever could.

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