What About You

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"You look really good tonight." Andre directed his attention to Anastasia.

"Thank you. You look good too." She smiled and looked away clearly just taking it as just a compliment. Kenny isn't here.... hm. Anastasia pursed her mouth together then reassured herself not to worry.

"How long have you known Lucas?" She wondered aloud.

"Since highschool. We were on the same soccer team."

She nodded. "Thats cool."

Andre, trying to continue talking to Anastasia stepped closer but, Lucas came out the house. "Okay ready?"

Anastasia nodded and followed him to his car as Andre did the same.

"Anyone want anything before we go?" Lucas sighed parking his Camaro and turning Guns 'N Roses 'Welcome To The Jungle'.

"Like what?" Anastasia laughed as they were already at the country club.

"I dont know. Anything so we can say we got lost or something." Lucas stuff his hands in his pockets and locked the doors.

They walked to the entrance and was greeted by the sound of music from a symphony.

"Im already sick-"

"Lucas!" A girl holding a glass of champagne squealed.

Rolling his eyes, Lucas turned a gave a James Franco smirk. He ran his hand through his hair and stepped towards her, greeting her.

"Isn't he charming..." Anastasia mumbled.

Andre recognized a few of what Anastasia assumed were friends and excused himself.

Anastasia began go grow uncomfortable as people gave her looks. She began to walk through the crowded halls and the words made her feel uneasy. It was all the same and it made her sick:

"Did you hear about...."

"Her parents...."

"Dead. Can you believe it?"

She wished she could just say they were dead so the muttering and pitiful looks to her could end but, that would hurt the prestige image worked for so hardly by her parents. Anastasia found a place outside on the patio, vacant by a few smokers and leaned on the rail taking a heavy breath.

"You want a hit?" It was Matt. Anastasia knew him because he gave Kate weed if she slept with him. Other then that he was a pretty smart guy. Well smart enough to help her not flunk Physics last year.

"No thank you." She shook her head.

"Its just a cigarette."

"Still." Anastasia gave a stern smile and he flicked it away.

"I didnt see you at my party last week."

"I was busy."

"Cause your parents died right?"

Anastasia glared at him. "Yes."

"Oh. Well I'm sorry that happened. They were nice."

She looked at him a while longer then let out a small smile. She nodded.

"Are you still going to Harsons this year?"

"No. I transferred to Kaydence."

"Lucky. They have a huge science department." Anastasia saw that small shine in his eye when he mentioned anything with science. She admired that.

"Sucks for me then-" They were interrupted as Anastasia's Aunt called her from the patio above. "Come up Ana!"

She nodded. "I'll see you around."

Matt smiled as she walked away.

"Anastasia I'm so sorry sweetie!" An elderly woman dragged Ana into a hug.

She was at a lost of words so she just nodded.

"Your such a lovely young woman. I cant believe they're gone." She muttered and let go.

Her Aunt Camille stood sipping her drink smiling at her. In her way Ana guessed she thought she was being helpful to Ana.

"Your staying with Camille? That must be fun!" Isabel's mother laughed. "Wait does Andre still work-"

"Yes. Ana are you enjoying yourself?" Her Aunt cut her off.

"Yes ma'am."

"Thats good."

"You should come to my husbands birthday. Im sure you'll enjoy it. Besides who doesnt like a good party?"

"Thats is such a good idea!" Her Aunt beamed.

Anastasia awkwardly made her way off the patio as they continued talking amongst themselves.

She was downstairs, which was now occupied by a few men with cigars. Her uncle spoke to a few of her friends fathers.

She walked by them hoping to find a vacant spot to be alone. She was wandering past the dining hall when she bumped into someone. "Oh! Excuse me."

"No I'm sorry."

She looked at the guy she bumped into and stared almost Godsmacked. "Kenny?"

The guy gave her a skeptical look and laughed. "Jordan."

He could've fooled her. He looked just like Kenny.

"Oh." Anastasia snapped back into reality. "Anastasia."

"Have we met before?"

"I don't think so..." Surely she would remember him.

"Nice meeting you then."He gave her a look and she felt his eyes skim over her. She nodded and blushed. "You too."

Anastasia shifted and excused herself from him. "What was that?" She could hear Kenny's voice.

"He looked just like you."

"I look better then that."

Anastasia could hear the jealousy in his voice. She grinned from the unfamiliar sound.

A sound went off signifying dinner was being served.

Anastasia saw Lucas and walked to him. "Hey we're ditching. Are you staying?"

Anastasia denied and went to find her Aunt. "Im going with Lucas."

Obviously not paying attention to her, Her Aunt nodded at her seat with her friends.

Walking out the dining hall, Anastasia saw Kate, Madison, and other kids she hung out with sitting by the door. They saw her and turned their backs to her.
Fine then.

"Anastasia can you come here for a second?" Kate called after ge giggling.

Anastasia stopped and looked at her shoes.

She should've kept on walking.

***slow updates. la di da la di daaa***

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