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I guess Im here, to tell you a story. What makes this story so special compared to others, I can't say exactly, maybe you will figure that out for yourself.

Stories tend to follow an extraodinary character; one who comes across tragedy, intense and complex love, or fantasy, but not mine. There is nothing special to my protaganist; no exceptional talents, no particular significance - she is just a girl.

Well though, who am I to say how you envision her; you may find her astonishingly remarkable. But for now, to you, she is no one. Just a word on the breeze, a shadow in the dark, an obscurity.

Now, why am I narrating to you a story of some no name girl with a baseless tale? 

Im not quite sure about that myself. Maybe I am a little bored and am craving some kind of satisfaction. Who can say? Just sit tight and listen in.

Here is my story.

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