I hate Diarys.

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Dear Diary?
                   Fuck me, I hate diarys. They aren't that cool at all! But either way its a good way to get famous off of your shitty life. So I better start the shit story.

Hello I am Lilly and I am 8 years old. I live with my parent's: Thomas and Lara Macklin. I have 2 half brothers and 2 half sisters. Both from different parents. My brother Cale (who is 22) and my sister Sarah (who is 25) are from my mum's side and my sister Kelsey  (who is 19 or 20 I don't remember) and my brother Sean  (who is 12) come from my dad's side. I've never lived with them. But I'm very close to them. Mainly Sean. We hang out a lot. We make YouTube videos sometimes. For fun. YouTube is quite new but a lot of people know about it. It's getting more and more popular as time goes on. Anyway, back to me. I live in a house (DUH) in a small town called Congleton. It's okay here. I have a few friends. There's Jason. He's crazy. He's also 2 years older. Well, 1 and a half. We go to different schools. I used to go the same one as him. But I don't remember him at all. We only met because we live on the same street. We met through his next door neighbour, James, who was friend with my next door neighbour, Mr can't remember the name. Me and Jason hang out after school and on weekends. We go to the park, chill on the street, ride our bikes, climb into allys that are shut off and climb over people's fences trying to get to the end garden. (We were so close once!)
He's very different to my friends at school.  One is called Clara. We're very good friends. We always hang out a school and play together. We play games like horses and shit. I never really liked them kinda games but whatever. That's why I have the boy's. They're fun. But i only hang around with them sometimes because Clara doesn't like me being with them. But i prefer the boy's.
Big Sam, Little Sam, Benjamin, Jack and Ben the twins, blonde Jack, Little will, curly will and the best three: Lewis, Fin and Asa.
I always love hanging around with these lot. We play hide and seek tag. It's fair. They don't treat me different because I'm a girl. They treat me like a boy. And I like that. I like being a boy. I wear boys clothes and play boy games and have boy toys. I like it that way. Me and fin like to be mischievous and knock over bins and...well...this one may be a bit weird but...We pinch dinner ladies butts. Haha. That's actually how me and Finlay met. We were in an assembly  (I hadn't been in the school that long) and he just randomly pinched my ass. He obviously wasn't expectingthe reaction I gave him. He expected me to complain about girl space and how he can't do that. But instead I pinched his ass back. He giggled then pinched mine and so on. It's been our thing ever since.

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