Chapter Four

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It was the next day. Since we had a challenge the day before, we got to rest today. I slept in late, but I had nightmares about the challenge.... what could have gone wrong.

I walked downstairs after I woke up, without even changing out of my pajamas or brushing my hair. “Someone doesn't care about personal hygiene?” Phillip said when he saw me.

“Not really, but it doesn't matter since I'm going to die tomorrow,” I said.

“Speaking of dying, does anyone know who got eliminated?” Jasmine, who was also at the table, asked nervously.

“No, I don't think we're supposed to know,” I replied.

“I just hope it wasn't Lola..” Jasmine whispered.

A maid walked into the dining room. “Do y'all need something to eat?” she asked.

“I'm not hungry,” I said.

“Just some toast,” Jasmine said, not paying attention.

“I'm with Taylor,” Phillip said.

“Alright, toast it is,” the maid said. “Jelly or butter?”

“Just shut up, okay? My sister might be dead!” Jasmine yelled.

“Alright, alright!” the maid said, then walked away.

“Hey, I know you're really stressed,” I said soothingly.

“Just shut up! I would rather die so she could win!” Jasmine said.

“Are 'just shut up' your favorite words today?” I said angrily, all soft tones gone.

“Would you want your sister to die?” Jasmine asked.

“I don't have a sister!” I yelled. “Why do you think I got picked?”

“Sorry, it's just... hard,” Jasmine said.

“I understand... well, not really but..”

“We just need to rest to be ready for the challenge tomorrow,” Phillip said, ending our argument.

- - - - -

It was later in the day. The team had gotten together to discuss strategies and how to win, Andrew's idea.

“This chalkboard will help us keep track of our skills,” Andrew said, indicating to a chalkboard he was standing in front of. “There are three rows and six columns. You will write down what you are good at, and what you are bad at.”

I learned a lot about the team, and they learned about me. I listed that I was great at roller skating and spelling, but I was terrible at swimming and card games.

I took a look at the chart. “Well... this is it, I guess,” Phillip said. “Our skills.”

“What else do we need to cover?” I asked.

“We should practice working in teams,” Zinnia said.

“How? We don't know what challenges to practice,” Jasmine said.

“We won't be practicing the challenges, we'll be practicing working together,” Zinnia replied.

“And not getting in fights with each other,” Phillip said, glancing at Jasmine and me. I shrugged.

So all day, we practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced.

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