Chapter Seven

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A/N: I have so many amazing comments! I know a lot of them are payments for PNG's / trailers, but they are still really, really nice! Thanks so much! Anyways, this challenge has to do with Sorry Sliders. I do NOT own Sorry Sliders. Sorry Sliders belongs completely to Hasbro. Also, if you don't know how you play Sorry Sliders, you may want to look up the insctructions. This is a little different, as Kyle explains, because it is a modified version. 

And guuuuys, I'm running out of ideas for challenges! If you have any ideas, then PM me and you will get a dedication in the chapter they participate in that challenge (if I decide to use it). Little mini contest there for you guys, lol. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


After another day of boring but (hopefully) useful training, we had another challenge. 

The team followed Jackson down the hall with numbered doors, all of us silent, hopelessly trying to think of strategies, but how could we plan for something we didn't know was going to happen?

I took a deep breath as Jackson opened the door, trying to push down my nervousness.

I peeked inside just as Jasmine asked, "What is this?"

There was a lane, much like in a bowling alley, with rims around it, except there were no bowling balls or pins anywhere to be seen. Each half of the lane was colored; one side was yellow, and the other, red. Separating each half of the lane was a large circle, made of the same slick, shiny wood as the lanes, but blue. It had designs on it like a target, each circle printed on the wood with a number, five circles total.  Eight shoe boxes were piled in the corner, along with jackets that matched the lane colors.

"This looks a bit fun, actually," Phillip said right before the other team walked in.

Lola was in the lead, and I breathed a sigh of relief once I realized she hadn't been eliminated. Jasmine would let me rest - for now.

Jackson and Kyle handed out the shoe boxes. My team's were yellow, and the other team's, red.

"Put on your rollerskates," Kyle calmly ordered. A smile appeared on my face as I thought, Rollerskating, I'm gonna nail this.

I pulled on my yellow rollerskates that were surprisingly very comfortable. They smelled brand new, but felt like I had already worn them in, that I had worn them for years; a good advantage.

"Guess you should have come to practicing the other day, huh?" Zinnia said to Jasmine with a smirk, but Jasmine just rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed.

I giggled a little at their argument, then concentrated back on Kyle once I realized he was passing out our jackets. I slipped on the jacket, glad for it's warmth in the chilly room. 

I looked over to observe the other team. I strained to hear what they were saying, being the little eavesdropper I am, but couldn't over one of the team members complaining that her red jacket and rollerskates didn't match her outfit. She shouldn't be much of a threat, I thought to myself.

I finished preparing my jacket and rollerskates right as Jackson yelled out, "Attention, everyone!" Everyone looked up, hearing his yell.

"Kyle is going to explain the game," Jackson said, gesturing to his partner, Kyle sent him a thank you smile.

"This is a modified version of Sorry Sliders," Kyle began, and I'm pretty sure everyone in the room was confused. "You will each take turns pushing each other onto the 'board' acting as the pawns. If the roller skater falls over, they are off of the board until the next round. If they slide off of the board, they stay off of the board until the next round. The roller skaters are only allowed to steer their feet -- all the power of them moving forward is up to the person pushing. Oh, and cheating is an automatic disqualification."

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