Chapter 1_New Start

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Claire's POV
The man in the mask take us off of the helicopter and drag us down towards a big building. It was dark and cold because it is night. A group of armed people stood behind us and running with us,too.

Then they take us inside the big building. And the doors automatically closed.

"I'm glad they send you here safely." A man from behind said

We all look back and saw a man who is well dressed together with some armed man.

"My name's Mr. Janson. And welcome to the Scorch!" He added

We look at each other. What the heck is a scorch? I tried to remember a memory in my mind but nothing was on it.

"Hey are you alright?"

"I am Thomas but not fully."

"Do you want me to do that so that you could rest?"

"Can you?"

"Yes. Anything for you."

Me and Thomas looked at each other and grinned.

That was a memory. But not in this place -- but somewhere else. I looked at Thomas whose full of confusion.

Newt held my hand tightly. I looked at him and looked back at Thomas again.

"Will you please follow me. And we'll go to your rooms. But before that we should eat your dinner together." Ratman said and walk with his armed man behind him

As Mr. Janson said about dinner, my stomach was grumbling and my mouth was craving for food.

Since we left the glade, I've never been eaten food that Frypan served because I was busy talking with Newt. And actually it was our last memorable night at the glade.

"Are you one of the creators?" Thomas asked Mr. Janson

"Seriously Thomas, do you really need me to answer that question??" Janson sigh

"Hey! He's just bloody asking." Newt shouted

"Newt calm down. A handsome face like yours doesn't need to shout at a man like me." Janson said as he looked back at Newt

"Newt,calm down buddy. We should behave in things around us." Thomas calmed down Newt who is boiling hot

Newt looked down and sigh.

"Ok so I guess we should walk now. I know you're hungry by now." Janson said sarcastically

We all walk behind Mr. Janson with his armed men. Then suddenly Mr. Janson moved behind me and walked beside me.

"Claire, after all these years you still look really pretty." Janson said as he walked beside Claire

"Janson, I think you should get away from Claire because if you wouldn't someone may punch you in your face." Minho said looking at who is making a death glare at Janson

Janson sigh and breathe heavily.

"I won't expect that Newt is the man for Claire. I thought it would be Thomas." Janson said sarcastically

I rolled my eyes as Janson stop at a big door in front of us.

"Welcome, to your mess hall! The place in where you can eat your meal together!" Janson shouted

Our eyes were turning at the mess hall that he said. It was really big and the table was full of foods.

"Can we eat now?" Frypan asked

Janson looked at him and said, "Suit yourself!"

We were about to sit on the chair to eat our meal but Janson said,"I guess you should take a bath first and dress up to keep yourselves clean."

We all looked at each other and stand up. And walked behind Janson.

"But where exactly are we going to?" I asked

"To your HQ or head quarters. But boys will be separated from girls...I mean girl." Janson said emphasising the word 'separated' to me

We arrived there and I was shock that he called out the names of the boys and let me stay away from Newt.

"So Claire will be bloody alone in there?" Newt said nervously

Janson smirked. And said,"Don't worry loverboy. She will be OK with the other gladers which are girls. She'll gonna get close to same kind like her." Janson said putting his arm around my shoulders

"Stop it! You're harassing me!" I exclaimed

Janson put down his arms and said,"Well Claire, your room was out there behind that wall. And to all of you here, I don't want boys coming to the girl's HQ and same is for you Claire. Got it?" Janson said and we all shock our heads

And then he walked away. Leaving me and the other gladers stand out there.

"Claire, keep safe out there. And when something's wrong,just knock this bloody door and tell us what happened. OK?" Newt said ad kissed my lips before I could answer

He pressed his lips in mine. Showing how over protective he was for me.

"Yeah. I will. I love you, Newt. I'll be OK. I promise." I replied to me and hugged him tightly

And I ran towards the HQ where Janson pointed at. I could hear some giggling of the girls inside the HQ. And it makes me think that the place out here is safe. I knock at the door and a girl with black messy hair, wearing white long sleeves, black pants and smells like milk opened the door for me.

"You must be the new girl, right?" She asked me

"Yes. I am. And my name is Claire." I said

And they all looked at me and gave me a smile grin.

"My name is Teresa. Pleasure to meet you." She said and shaked my hands

The rest of the girls introduced their names. And I instantly know them so that I won't be embarassed. They were 5 girls invthis room plus me so it would be 6.

"Take a shower,Claire. I know you wanted to smell fresh and clean before eating at the mess hall." Sonya the blonde haired girl said

Then they give me a towel and escorted me towards the bathroom.

I take a shower and bow down my head. I can't imagine myself away from Newt and to the other Gladers.

Then I walked out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped my hair and dressed up in a white T-shirt and a black jacket wrapped my waist and wearing a black pants.

"You look awesome!" They all exclaimed

"I don't mean it girls. I just wanted to have this jacket on my waist." I said and smiled at them

"Attention gladers. You should all went to the mess hall to eat your dinner there together. All of you should be on your groupmates. Thank you."

The voice from the speaker said. Yes finally I could be with them.

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