Chapter 3_Doubtful

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Newt's POV
I am sure it was Claire. She looked at me with those teary eyes of her. I know she was scared. And so was I.

"Alright go back to your seat, Newt. She's going to be fine. We'll take good care of her." Janson said

I was accompanied by Minho and Thomas. They too doubt the works behind of this place where somewhere in here is hidding something.

"Good evening gentlemen and ladies. You all know how this works. If you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me where they will escort you to the eastern wing." Janson said

Still, this increases the bad feeling I've felt.

"Your new lives are about to begin." He added

Then everyone clapped their hands except for us in our table.

"I can't believe that I can't be with Claire

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"I can't believe that I can't be with Claire." I spoke out

Thomas has this confusion look on his face. Probably felt the same with me.

"Man, just how lucky they are." Another Glader from our table said

"Lucky?" Minho asked

"Yeah, Janson said those names called can live in a better place. Somewhat they can call their 'better sanctuary'. Where plants are growing." He added

We looked at each other -- Me,Thomas, and Minho.

Janson finished calling out of the names chosen. No one was from our table.

"Now, now, don't get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There's always tomorrow. Your time will come. Go on eat up." Janson said and then finally left the hall

Bullocks! If only I had enough strength to ask him if where are they taking Claire. But I haven't.

"It's quite odd for us not to be with Claire indeed." Minho spoke up

He's right.

"What can we do? I mean we are stuck here eating this somehow delicious food while Claire's out there doing god-knows-what." I said with a little high pitched voice

"For now, Newt, we'll just observe them. We don't know what they're up to. Until we found out, we could go get Claire. We can't lose her, too." Thomas said

I might be somehow relieved but I am damn worried about Claire. Super.

Claire's POV


"Yes ma'am?"

"I am very proud of your accomplishments on developing system analysis to these kids."

"Happy to help you, ma'am."

"And I am glad that you helped Thomas in generating advancements for the kids. I am very well pleased."

"Where is Thomas, ma'am?"

"Oh Thomas? Let's just say he's in a better place. He was now assigned to a new task -- on field."

"Field? Is he going to be a ranger? Under whose command?"

"Still from me but he's under that guy's control."

She pointed someone from my back but it all went blur before I could turn back to see if who it is.

There goes the indistinct chatter and I was pulled by a man. But I was failed to recognize him because my vision became blur.

My conciousness went back and I found myself stuck in a machine where needles were struck on my wrist, bellow my shoulder, and a monitor in front of me.

"This one got her conciousness back, doctor."

A man with a white coat said. Then few doctors injected something on my neck until I went weak.

Now my vision turned dark...

Newt help me

Newt's POV
We were told to went back to our rooms for it is time to rest. But my mind won't rest until I found Claire.

"Newt, break it for awhile. For all I know of Claire, she wasn't a quitter." Thomas patted my shoulder to make me calm

He noticed the tensed look on my face. My fellow Gladers were preparing themselves to rest but I sat down on the chair sitting face-to-face to Thomas. He won't sleep yet so he decided to talk to me.

"Do you remember anything about her? She mentioned that you two had been with the creators before but I wanted to know more." Out of nowhere I asked Thomas

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"Honestly, I don't have much memory on my mind. There were flashbacks but I am not certain that I've seen Claire."

"What do you mean you're 'not certain'?"

He looked at me directly

"I tried to remember a memory with her but I can't. Its all blurry."

I can't insist Thomas to remember anything. But I gotta ask this...

"But Janson said earlier that it could be you and Claire together instead of me. Do you have any idea why?"

Thomas looked at me with more emotions flashed from his expression. I can say he didn't want to hear about this.

"But Newt, I don't have any idea. Honestly." He blurted out

We sat there in silence. I still can't believe I am not with Claire. I bloody miss her.

"Give it a rest, Newt. Overthinking could kill you know." Thomas patted my shoulder

"I should. My eyes would close any minute by now anyway."

So I went to bed. Good night, Claire.

I was awaken by someone shaking my bed. I opened my eyes slowly and I saw Thomas.

"What the bloody hell would you wake me up? Is it morning already?"

"No, but you gotta meet someone." Thomas was with a boy about younger than us

"His name is Aris. And he has been in this place for too long. And he wanna show us something."

So his name is Aris. I remember this guy back at the mess hall earlier.

"What does he want?" I got up and sat by my bed

"It's not something that I want, but it's something that you want to know." Aris said

I looked at Thomas whom had the same mindset as mine. My forehead furrows as my heart beats faster.

"What do you mean, Aris?" I asked

He gulped and said

"This has to do with Claire."

Thomas and I looked at each other. I knew it! There is a hope to see her. I can't wait!

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