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A/N: Welcome to the sequel! If you haven't read the first book go and check it out: Green eyes. I hope you enjoy and thank you again for the support! ♡

How on earth was that even possible? The only time they've made love was on the island... Could it be that he got pregnant only because of that one time? Avi's world crashed down and shuttered into a million pieces. It was not the fact that for a male he shouldn't be able to get pregnant at all but rather the fear of having a child. He couldn't even take care of himself, he barely loved himself so how could he raise a child on his own? With his disability the situation was even harder and more complicated.
His mind was blurry, he didn't know what to think or say but in the distance he could hear Scott and the doctor talking.

"...not many males that get pregnant. Like I said it's a very rare case but it's possible."

"But he doesn't have anything feminine in him!"

Scott sounded upset and tired but also frightened. Not only was Avi going to have a child, Avi was going to have his child and he would be a father. The blonde felt something wet dripping on his hand which was holding Avi's and he turned towards him. His boyfriend was crying heavily, eyes blod shot and puffy. He tried to dry his eyes by wiping away his tears but more and more fell. He sobbed and whimpered and held Scott's hand tightly.

"Hey.. we can do this."

Although Scott was not sure how to deal with the sudden pregnancy situation he tried his best to support Avi, the one who had the bigger problem. He didn't see his unborn child as a problem per se, more like a challenge for them.

"Avriel, there's a support group and also a specialist for pregnant males. If you want to talk to either one of them I gave Scott their telephone numbers."

Avi managed to give him a small nod before he started to cry once more. After giving Scott more information on those groups the doctor patted Avi's back, wished both of them good luck and left the room. The only sound filling the room was Avi's sobbing. Scott stood up and grabbed him in a hug, the brunette threw his hands around the blonde's waist and buried his face into his pullover. Scott kissed the top of his head and rocked them slightly from side to side.

"We will be alright."

The car ride was silent. They didn't talk but mostly because Avi wouldn't answer any of his questions. His head leaned against the window while his arms rested around his legs. A blanket around his body nearly covered him fully. His eyes were open and now and then a tear would escape, rolling down his cheek to land on the blanket. Scott occasionally glanced over and wanted nothing more than to tell him that it will be alright but how could he know? He wasn't the one who would carry a child in his body. He wasn't the one dealing with morning sickness, cravings and mood swings. He wasn't the one who had to tell his parents about being pregnant and finally, he wasn't to one who had to take her of a child without seeing them. Avi would never be able to actually see his child and that might hurt him the most.

They arrived at home and Avi waited for Scott to open the door so he could run past him and disappear in his room. Scott had not even reached the middle of the living room when he heard the door to their bedroom shut. Scott figured that Avi needed some time to process the news and to accept the fact that he would become a father so he remained downstairs to give his boyfriend some needed space.

"So? What is it then?"

Scott sat down on the couch next to Mitch, who waited until they finally got home and worried instantly when he saw Avi run by. Scott didn't knew what to say, maybe Avi wasn't ready to tell anyone but they both knew that Mitch would eventually find out sooner or later.

"You won't believe me if I told you."

"Nothing major right?"

The blonde only shrugged leaving Mitch all confused as he glanced to the stairs where he had seen Avi disappear.

"I don't know if you can label it as a minor thing. A child is pretty much a huge one..."

Mitch's eyes widened as he read between the lines. His mouth opened and closed again. He really wanted to say something but instead he hugged his best friend.

"I just don't know how he feels about this. Mitch he cried.. he cried so much.. it hurt..."

Scott rested his head on the smaller man's shoulder while hugging him. He had started crying as well and now there was no stop to it. Mitch rubbed his back and thought of Avi, who was most probably crying upstairs.

"You both will figure it out and you will be amazing parents."

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! ♡


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