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The apartment was quiet. No sobbing, no crying. It seemed as if there was no one living in it. Scott fell asleep on the couch minutes after Mitch left. When he woke up it was dark outside. He glanced at the clock and noticed that he had slept for about four hours, not much but enough to make him worry about Avi even more. The blonde jumped on his feet and quietly walked upstairs and towards their bedroom. The door was unlocked, for which he thanked God, and he opened it without making a single noise. On the bed laid Avi, back facing the door, his body covered in a blanket he had pulled up and tucked under his chin. The blinds weren't closed so the moonlight illuminated the room but for Avi it wouldn't matter either way. Scott stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He didn't know what to say so he walked around the bed and sat crisscrossed in front of Avi on the floor instead. He noticed his tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes which stared at the wall behind the blonde. His breathing was steady but hitched now and then, making him grip the blanket tighter. Scott sighed and lifted his hand to wiped away another tear which rested on the brunette's cheek. It was quiet. Only the raindrops hitting the window broke the silence, like in those movies were the weather changed to fit the story. Scott would've laughed at that but now was not the time. His hand remained on Avi's cheek, his thumb caressing the warm and soft skin above the beard. The brunette moved a little, to Scott's surprise, and placed his hand on top of his boyfriend's. The expression on his face changed to frightened and sad.

"What are you thinking?"

Scott could've asked him if he was okay but he already knew the answer. He wasn't.

"Just...I don't...I don't know h-how to handle it."

Scott scooted closer and kissed his nose. Avi sighed and closed his eyes, he looked like he was peacefully sleeping when in reality thoughts and doubts destroyed his mind. He just couldn't handle the fact that they were going to have a child.
He had fought for years to try and love himself, he had lost weight and remained quiet due to the bullying, he was used to cry himself to sleep. Now that he had finally received some peace it would be destroyed again. He could already hear the insults regarding his pregnant belly, he could hear them laughing at him. There was no way he could protect him and his child from outer attacks. He was lost..

"I'm here."

Avi opened his eyes but only darkness was visible. Still he could imagine his boyfriend in front of him. Boyfriend.. the one who vowed to always love and support him. The one who gave him more than just a promise ring but showed him that he was not alone. Scott was there, in front of him. He didn't leave.

"Hug me.."

The blonde smiled slightly and got up to lay down next to him. He opened his arms and Avi rested his head on Scott's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Scott pulled up the covers, giving Avi the feeling that he was still there, with him, under one blanket. This was their relationship, this would be their future. Together. When Scott read the results, about him being pregnant there were no doubts. Not once did the thought of leaving Avi cross his mind. Not even once did he think about getting rid of the child. Something in him told him that they would figure it out somehow and raise their baby boy/girl, whatever it might take. The brunette started to fall asleep, Scott's arms wrapped around his tiny body. Sometimes Avi would stirr and whimper in his sleep, probably because of rising nightmares, but the blonde always made sure to rock him back into a peaceful slumber.
Avi's mind kept repeating the situation in the doctor's office. How no one wanted to tell him what was wrong, how frightened he was and still is. Subconsciously his arms snaked around his own body and his palms rested on his belly, on the invisible baby bump. Scott felt a light tickle on his chest and when he looked down he could see his boyfriend smiling.

Everything will be okay, we can do this. I know you're a strong person, look how far you've come. I will always support you. I love you and I can't wait to meet you, little one.

Those positive thoughts Scott kept repeating for himself seemed to eliminate his negative ones. Tomorrow he would tell Avi about them. Tomorrow they would talk about their future together with a child.

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