The Anniversary

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After eating dinner together, the couple exchanged gifts. Krystal gave Amber a hat, Listerine bundle, and a USB full of nude photos of herself. Actually, we don't know if it's true or not because Amber never looked at the stuff in the flashdrive and he did not let us look at it.

Poor Amber was blushing hard after receiving the flashdrive. "Oh man... this-this... let's move on." The dazed Amber takes out the ring box from his coat pocket. When he show Krystal the ring, she gives him the generic 'thank you' and a smile. Then he reach for his painting, which is laying beside the couch. "Okay, I was late because I was waiting for this to dry so I can wrap it." He hands Krystal his painting.

She starts unwrapping it. 

"O-...woah," This time around, Krystal is really surprise. Her expression right now have a huge contrast from the one when she received the ring.

It was a painting of Salar de Uyuni, or more casually known as Mirror of the Sky. In the drawing there were also two little figures standing in the middle. 

"I remember you said you wanted to go there with me, but since we cannot go right now I decided to draw a painting of us being at the Mirror of the Sky. So until we can actually visit Bolivia and take some pictures, you can look at this painting and pretend that we actually went there." Amber explains.

Krystal was touched; she only mentioned about Salar de Uyuni only once to Amber, and he remembered it.

Interview with Krystal 

Were you expecting that or not?

I was not expecting that from him because he's a prankster type of person, so I thought he would give me something ridiculous. (sighs) Now I feel bad. 

What is in the flashdrive?

(laughs) That's a secret~ Only Amber can know what inside. (pretending to be secretive)

Interview with Amber

You seems to be proud when Krystal liked your painting. What were you thinking?

(rubs his chin) I that obvious??? You know, Krystal is not easy to impress. Even if she is impress by something, she will hide it. So when I saw the smile on her face, fireworks starts going off in my head. I was like 'BINGO'! (fists in the air)

What is in the USB? Nudes?

You seem to be really interested (points to the PD). To be honest, (cannot help but break a smile) if it really contains nudes of Krystal, then I will be happy. *everybody in the studio laughts* One time my brother did a prank on me. He took a nude picture of me and sent it to Krystal, along with a message that said 'send me some of yours'. I didn't know that happened until the next morning when I received a nude photo from Krystal herself. From that day on, I could not look at my girlfriend as an innocent girl anymore. (blushing again)

You like girls that are innocent? Krystal do seems quite shy during her previous interview.

Yeah, I like girls that are innocent because I am innocent (chuckles after praising oneself). Although Krystal doesn't seem like the type of girl to do such thing, once you get to know her you'll know that she's quite daring. And she's a scorpius too. Those people that have the sign of a scorpius are usually very horny. Compared to Krystal, I think I'm more reserved. Hehe.

But do you still fantasize about your girlfriend, even though you're a germaphobe?

Isn't fantasy and reality two completely different things? When I fantasize myself having sex with Krystal I don't really have to touch her private part. In reality, you get to touch it for real, which means germs will be exchanged. That's what I'm afraid of. I get goosebumps when I think of myself touching vaginal secretion.


Today we scheduled Amber to have a meeting with a psychiatrist to treat his mysophobia. When the professional learned Amber is having sex problems, he sent the boy away to the sex therapist next door. After an hour of conversation, Dr. Kim gave Amber a brand new blowup doll and a bottle of lubricants. He insist that Amber starts off with a fake doll first. Once the boy get use to having sex with the doll, he can move on and have real sex intercourse with a real girl.

Interview with Amber

Have you ever had any experience with a blowup doll?

I never played with one before, but I witnessed my brother playing with one before; it was a male blowup doll though.

Do you think you will be able to have sex with it?

Well, it's just plastic, and I probably will wash it first before putting my penis inside of it. Dr. Kim said to use the lubricants and imagine that as the viginal secretion. Hopefully it will work.

What are your thoughts on giving a doll your virginity?

(jokingly) Krystal will be jealous. I am looking forward to it... (slightly smirks). You guys seems like a bunch of perverts.

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