Chapter One

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"So, when are you gonna take Yukon Jack off your team?" asked Bryson from the General store. "When he can't run any longer," Kendall replied handing him the money for her supplies. "Kendall, you know that's not right," he said. "Don't tell me what's right. A lot of dogs run until they..." She didn't want to finish her sentence, the thought of losing Jack was to terrible to even think about.

"Die?" He finished. Kendall glared at him, picked up her supplies and walked out to her team. She set her supplies in the basket of the sled and walked up to Yukon Jack. She kneeled in front of him, "Hey boy..." She said rubbing his head between the ears like she knew he liked it. Yukon Jack licked her cheek in return.

Kendall laughed then leaned in and hugged him. "You're my good boy," she whispered softly in his ear. She got up and walked to the back of the sled. Iron stood on his feet and leaped towards her. She stopped and pet him.

She returned to the back of the sled and yelled, "HIKE!" The dogs all leaped up and started running. Kendall called out the commands and directed them to her home. They lived in Faro, Yukon in Canada. They lived a few hours from the Canada, Alaska border, that is if you traveled by train.

They pulled into the drive. Kendall called them to a halt and she unhitched each from there place on the team, leaving Yukon Jack. The team sat in their places, waiting to be given the release command. "Okay!" she said clasping her hands together, "Let's go!" All of the dogs, except Yukon Jack, got up and ran into the shed.

Kendall shut and locked the shed door and walked back to Yukon Jack. She pet him again and unhitched him from the gang line. She smiled, "Let's go boy!" She turned and walked into the house holding the door for Yukon Jack. Yukon Jack ran into the house, following Kendall. She sat down on the living room couch and he jumped up beside her.

Kendall flipped on the TV. The Flight Plan was on, one of Kendall's favorite movies. She unfastened Yukon Jack's harness and laid it on the floor. She lounged across the couch with Yukon Jack stretched out at her side. The movie got to the scene where Kyle Pratt is running from Peter Sarsgaard who's shooting at her.

Kendall could feel Yukon Jack jump when he heard the gun shots. She stroked him and softly whispered, "It's okay..." He'd ease up and lick her hand. After that the movie Inception came on. Kendall fell asleep half way threw it.

When she woke up Yukon Jack was gone, she heard barking. "Jack?" She asked sitting up and walking into the kitchen. "Jack?" She asked again as she walked upstairs to her bedroom. She looked under her bed, in the closet, in her office room across the hall. She couldn't find him.

She went out to the shed and unlocked the door. She walked in and was warmly greeted by her other dogs; Jadyn, Hazel, Hunter, Iron, Brooke, Hugo and Damien. They were all there, she noted. She left and locked the door. She walked down the street; calling for Yukon Jack.

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