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I am tired, very tired but not from lack of sleep!

Tired of forcing myself to hold back the flowing rivers of tears trapped in the perimeter of my eyes.

Tired of the burning sensation in the back of my throat.

Tired of my cold eyes and heartless act I make myself play.

Tired of the feeling that everyone is against me, it's not a feeling though, they are against me.

Tired of hiding the pain that I feel.

Tired of everyone blaming me for things that aren't my fault.

Tired of not being able to get my feelings out in fear that I'll look weak and vulnerable.

Tired of getting my hopes up for a better day then being disappointed again.

Tired of wanting more than I have.

Tired of everyone thinking that I'm cruel when really I'm just hurt, terribly.

Tired of living this life.

Tired of being alive but feeling dead.

Tired of waking up praying for a day without pain.

Tired of dealing with everyone purposely tearing me apart.

Tired of closing my eyes every night to find that the heavy heart is still hurting.

Tired of knowing I'm in too deep to get help now.

Tired of just plain freaking everything!

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