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Don't lie and tell me that the world will one day be at peace.

The world is a constant cycle of upside downs.

Disappointments and disturbs.

You never truly will be 100% happy.

Life isn't a joyful roller coaster.

It's not the kind you have to stand a little bit on your tippy toes to get on.

Anyone can walk into this world and make it their own.

It's not up to you to make happiness for yourself.

You should love yourself beyond words but if someone keeps shooting you down, you never will be completely happy.

Everyone thinks that you should forgive.

Forgiveness is overrated.

Forgiveness is stupid.

If someone hurts you, don't let them do it again and again.

Love doesn't come easy.

Life doesn't come easy.

Nothing comes easy.

It never will.

Others people's opinions do matter.

If only your opinion mattered, we wouldn't have government, music, sports, politics, weather, science, etc.

Life is a guessing game.

You never know the answer for sure.

Anything can change at anytime.

You may or may not see it coming.

You estimate and estimate, predict and predict, guess and guess.

Until someone walks into your life and you think you have it all figured out.

Well you don't.

They're going to leave.

You're going to be let down.

But you can't forgive.

This is a endless rant about how messed up our world is.

Everyone shouldn't have to get along.

Everyone should do want they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

Children and teens shouldn't be trapped in a brick building 6 hours a day when they could be out exploring, making a life they want to live.

Everyone wants power.

Admit it.

Everyone can have power.

They're own power.

Power for yourself.

If everyone stuck to making themselves better, living would be a whole lot easier.

When you leave this world, the only thing you're supposed to leave with, is love.


It's the key.

Find it while you can.

Grab it and don't let it go.

Unless that love is a two-faced, nasty, piece of scum.


Go find new love.

It won't happen over night.

It won't be easy.

But trust me, it's worth it.

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