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I have been called lazy many times. That is not to say that it is an incorrect observation, however, I have to explain.
Hello. I procrastinate. It's an unhealthy habit that plagues many and is difficult to get rid.
My particular brand of procrastination consists of jumping from one activity to another. My favourite hobbies include: instruments, languages, reading, writing and art. This seems productive, and it would be, if I kept control over it. I'm bombarding myself with too much and so inconsistently, that it defeats the point. I have to be constantly doing things otherwise my mind starts to wonder. It does this anyway, but, hobbies work as a lead, tethering down my mind. When I don't have that barrier I tend to over analyse things to an excruciating extent. I refuse to be bored.
One the other hand, I can also delegate all of my time and attention to something. I have played guitar until my fingers bled and I have drawn until I couldn't hold the pencil with my blister infested hands. In that moment all that mattered was perfecting whatever I was doing. Perhaps an unhealthy mentality.  I'm not sure I would want to change though. I get to do so much and when it's necessary I can work undeniably hard, it's more than likely to be the main culprit in the events of my death, but I'm willing to take that chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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