Chapter One (Alison p.o.v)

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(Alison's p.o.v)

"Earth to Alison"Hanna says , waving her hands in my face to get my attention .
"Yeah,what do you want? " I say pushing her hands away.
"You were dreaming about him again weren't you?" She says pointing to Noel.
"What,no I told you I don't like him like...20 times already"I lied . its not that I don't like him , I do just not as a boyfriend, or anything like that. So, here I am sitting in my last class before school ended and Hanna has to bring him up. I can't tell her I'm into someone , wait not just someone its the Emily fields. I've always liked her I just never told any one because I'm the Queen bee. It would totally ruin my reputation . Especially since Emily is a nobody on the swim team . Everyone thinks she's a dork or a loser , but she wasn't. She was this beautiful girl with an awesome talent of swimming.
The last bell rings and I get up and go to my locker. Spencer and Aria comes up to me.

"Hey sleepover at my house tonight ? My parents won't be home so we can do whatever?" Spencer says

"Well I don't know about you but I wanna be drunk when I wake up , so how about we through a party?" Hanna suggest

'"I don't know it could be chaotic " aria says

" come on guys we could invite people from school , it could be fun." I'm a total party girl . plus this could be my chance to go tell Emily and talk to her.

"Fine. Meet me at my house at 7. Bye." Spencer says walking of with the girls.

I put my books in my locker and shut it . I just now realized I shouldn't have let Hanna go because she was my ride to school. I'm grounded from my car right now because I hit the front bender on a tree.
I walk to the swimming area and watch them practice . I look over and see Emily in swim shorts and a swim top . she looks at me and our eyes lock for a few minutes until she looks away.
I wish I had the courage to talk to her. I pull out my phone and just look at stuff when I hear a voice.

"hey Alison." I look up from my phone and see Cece looking down at me .

" hey CeCe " I say looking back down at my phone. I don't feel like talking right now . I'm to busy thinking.

" what's wrong ? " she says sitting next to me

"Nun, just thinking" I say watching the girls finish up practice and heading to the locker room

"Tell me."

"I gotta go."I say standing up. She pulls me back down

"Tell me"

I sigh and get ready to tell her.

"I'm in love with Emily fields"

" omg Alison you lesbian?" She says shocked

" no I'm not"

". Then what are you?" Suspicion takes control of her body.

"I'm bisexual"

" mmmhmm sure ."

I gotta go tell Emily about the part before she leaves.

" I gotta go" I say and walk towards the locker room leaving a shocked Cece behind .

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