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~Ariana ~

"Hello I would like a vanilla latte with a shot of that caramel cream."

"Sure thing." The waitress replied.

I decided to get a latte at a small cafe close by my home.

After receiving it, I went home. I turned on the radio and quietly hummed the tune.

As I arrived, I noticed Alexa's car not in the drive way.

"Honey, I'm home." I yelled out as I entered my house.

A minute later, there wasn't a response and decided to check for a note on my fridge.

"Hey Ari, hope you had a lovely day. I left to the store. Love, Alexa. 💜"

Was what most people would expect their bestfriend's note to be, but no. Instead it read,

"What's gucci my main hoe. Left to get some food and stuffy stuff. Luff yuh -A"

I smiled, my bestfriend was just.. unique.

I'm forgetting something, I thought. I sat there pondering.

My phone rang, breaking my thoughts.

'Luke' read the caller ID.

"Oh shit, I forgot I had a date with him." I said to myself.

Debating on whether or not to answer, I chose to answer. "Hello?"

"Ariana, I'm at the park, where are you?" He said with a hint of sadness. I instantly felt horrible for forgetting.

"Oh, I umm," What to say? "I'm stuck in traffic! Yeah I'm stuck in traffic, I'm sorry, but I'm almost there." I said while putting my phone in between my cheek and shoulder while grabbing my purse and jacket.

"Oh okay," I can almost feel the smile on his face. "I'll see you soon."

"Okay, bye." I said and quickly rushed out the door, ending the call.

As I ran to my car, I saw Alexa drive up the street.

She put her window down. "I thought you had a date?"

"I forgot about it." I quickly responded, rushing to my car.

Then, I tripped on a rock.

"What the hell!"

I hear Alexa's mean ass laughing at me. "Fuck you!" I squeaked out.

"Love you too, I'll see you when you get back." She said in between giggles.


"Luke stop, please!" I giggled as he sprayed a water at me.

Apparently, there was a carnival happening at the park and it being a nice night in spring, I couldn't help but enjoy it. We went to a stand where you have to fill up the balloon. Whoever gets the balloon to pop from to much water, wins.

"No can do." He said and sprayed me, again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask you both to leave." The grumpy man running the stand said.

"Someone pissed on his cheerios earlier." Whispered Luke into my ear.

"I think so." I replied which caused us to burst out laughing.

As we were laughing, I took the chance to admire him. I stared at him and smiled. He's really sweet and him wanting to go out with a girl like me was flattering, persay.

"Hey Ari." He interrupted my thoughts. I hummed in response.

"I forgot to tell you, but you look really beautiful tonight." He nervously said.

I looked at the ground, trying to make sure he doesn't see the shade of my cheeks turning into a crimson one. "Thank you, Luke. You don't look to bad yourself."

His next move was unexpected. He grabbed my chin and made me look into his ocean blue orbs. "Don't hide your pretty face from me." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

I was lost at words. I felt the urge kiss him, but restrained myself.

"Can you please leave the stand!" The guy yelled. "I have other people trying to actually play."

"C'mon, lets get somewhere to eat." Luke said and grabbed my hand.

I walked beside him and smiled to the ground. He was so.. different. Words can't explain how kind and generous he is. I looked up and saw a grin on his face. I tippy-toed, trying real hard to reach his cheek and laid a sloppy kiss on it.

He seemed genuinely surprised and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"Y'know if you weren't so tall, I would kiss you better." It's true, I stood barely 5ft while he was around 6ft.

"Is that so?" He leaned down so he was about my height.

I scoffed. "You're not getting a kiss Lu-"

He kissed me and I felt him smile through it.

As I felt his lips leave mine, I kept my eyes closed. He was indeed an amazing kisser.

"Lets get something to eat babe."


We ended up eating a pie from some food stand and walked around. We sat near a bench and admired the stars.

"The stars shine just like your eyes." Luke blurted out.

I swear, he's not real. He's so sweet and adorable.

I turned to face him and scooted closer. I looked at the sky and his face. The New York sky sparkled brightly this evening. The sky was a mixture of a blueish, blackish contrast and had small stars shimmering around.

It started to get cold which caused me to shiver. Luke noticed  and gave me his jacket. "We should go."

We chatted as we walked. Luke's presence causes me to feel loved and admired. He treats me so sweetly, it feels like I'm in some fictional romance story.

I was to deep into my thoughts which caused me to bump into someone.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I apologized to the stranger.

"No, no I'm sorr- Ariana?"

I looked up to see a familiar face. Harry.


This is kind of a filler chapter I guess. Please inform me of any grammar errors.

Hope you enjoyed. The plot will get better and better, I promise.

- Emily (:

Personal Chef (Hariana) {Discontinued}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang