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Sakura sighed, blowing at her bangs as she kicked her heels into the mud. Kakashi was late, per usual, and Naruto wouldn't stop flirting with her. Sasuke, on the other hand, barely acknowledged her presence and that fact nearly broke the poor pinkette's heart into two bleeding pieces that would never become whole again. With a sigh, she sat on the swing and continued to ignore the ever so persistent blond. Her ivory chin was in her delicate palm as she stared off into space, a neutral expression on her creamy visage. She didn't focus on anything, merely say there and zoned out for a tiny bit.

"SAAAAAAAAAKUUUUUUUUUUURAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," another obnoxious voice came floating over to her.

Oh great... It's him, she frowned, groaning as she again sighed and mumbled some incoherent insults into her palm. 

Rock Lee appeared before her, smiling while simultaneously flashing her a wink. His look unnerved her, seeing as how his eyebrows made it look like caterpillars had crawled onto his face and simply died there after somehow becoming glued to his head. His awkwardly shaped eyes, and weirder yet eyelashes, were not helping the smitten lad's case.... Not that his bowl cut styled hair was, nor was his emerald green jumpsuit. He needed a makeover so very badly that it practically hurt Sakura to look at him...

"Yes, Lee-San?"

Though she adhored his appearance, he had saved her life several times and had actually helped her grow as a person. Therefore, she respected and admired the ugly being that was currently standing in front of her. It was a tiresome paradox, but it was Sakura Haruno's life and that's just how things were.

"Would you like to go out with me?" he beamed, bowing and offering her some flowers.

Not this again...

"Lee-San, I'm waiting for my se-"

She didn't get a chance to finish her rejection, her small wrist trapped in his banaged grasp as Rock Lee whisked her away off somewhere that clearly was not where Kakashi had instructed Team Seven to meet up and wait for him.

"It will be most joyous!" Rock Lee exclaimed, fist pumping the air with his free hand.

She couldn't help but cringe slightly, but she also found herself with the faintest of smiles.

(Like we said earlier, it was a tiresome paradox that she called her everyday life....)

"What do you have planned?" she asked, not sure how to feel.

"You shall see!" he evaded, winking at her once again.

"Lee-San, plea-"

"Sakura, please call me by my first name," Rock Lee smiled timidly, looking back over his shoulder and returning his attention to the path where he was towing the captive female.

"Rock-San?" she tried, but it felt foreign on her tongue.

"No... Just Rock... Please," Sakura heard him silently plead.

For a moment, it broke her heart.

"Rock, where are you taking me?" she jerked them to a stop.

His normally wide eyes widened further, his tanned cheeks a rosy pink colour as he looked at her jade eyes.

"Some place very special," he stated, his warm breath blowing against her cheeks and neck.

She nodded, not sure how to react to the way that it felt. Rock Lee squeezed her hand gently before leading her off again, his heart racing just as fast as hers was. They walked about three metres after that, then cutting off to the surrounding woods and venturing amongst the overgrown trees that veiled most of the brilliant sunlight. She'd never been in this part of the village, her eyes exploring the branches as her eager ears took in the various sounds of the thriving wildlife.

"We have arrived," he finally said.

Sakura came to an abrupt stop, her front colliding with his masculine back as she struggled to make something off her surroundings.

Trees.... She saw nothing but trees... Lots and lots of fucking trees.

"Where are we?" Sakura nervously held onto his arm.

"We are where I like to go to think," he informed her, secretly enjoying the fact that she was clinging to him for safety.

"You come to this place to think? About what?! Getting lost and murdered in the woods?!"

He chuckled, patting her trembling hand before once more taking it in his own and towing her along the way.

"No, Sakura. I come here to think about the world. I'm not just an exercise junky, ya know... The mind must be as firm as the body, after all. The darkness helps block out the outside world so that I can think clearly," Rock Lee told her.

"But, how do you see?" she questioned.

"I use my other senses," he chuckled again.

"So... You don't see?"

"Not a single thing!" Lee sounded very excited, most likely fist pumping the air again.

"Why did you bring me here, Rock?"

"Because.... I don't want you to think that there's only one side of me," he whispered.

"I'd say that I see, but I don't... I don't see anything... but, I do understand what you're saying," Sakura fumbled around, trying to find his face.

"What are you d-"

Her fingertips brushed against his parted lips, hushing him as he felt her smooth skin on his. When he felt her warm breath against his face, he nearly crumbled as his spine stiffened.

"Rock Lee, thank you for showing me that there's a different side to you," she whispered.

And then she kissed him, very briefly but it was all the same. Just as quickly as their lips met, their lips disconnected.

"Sak-Sakura," he blushed.

"Tell anyone about that and I will end you! CHA!" she punched him in the gut.

"Understood," he wheezed.

"Good! Now, get me outta here so I can meet up with my team!"

"Yes ma'am," he wheezed.

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