Chapter Eight

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Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I don't believe it. I'd love to write more, but my hand is shaking too much. Oh God. Why me? God, why me?

Deep breath. I feel calmer now . I'll try and tell you about it. If I can.

Right, so there I am. Everyone's gone to sleep, except my friends. We're all near each other, so we make sure everyone's fine. They knew I needed to go to see him, so we swapped around beds a bit and now I'm on the very end piece of land. And then I went.

Wow, I need to stay calm. I'm not usually as bad as this - believe me. Not surprised if you're not.

Yeah, so I've set off. I go to his tent (he's lucky because he gets one - no fair) and wait outside. A couple of minutes later, he strolls out and puts a finger to his lips. He motions away from the camp and we head further into the forest. It's dark green, magnificent beauty doesn't seem a place to be for a sweaty, grimy, unbeautiful army (Henry, you have to admit it's true!) You're talking about.                                                                                                yourself there, Shakespeare! .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Henry

But it was soon to be ruined by an ugly truth.

I don't believe he had to tell me now. Just when my life was looking sort of up!

I hate him. I really hate him. I don't believe he would do this to me.

But that's not the point. So we were in the magnificent forest, when he beckoned to me and showed me into this very small cave - almost unnoticeable unless you had pointed it out. Inside the cave, it was dark and cramped - not so good as it's camouflage. And then he whispered three words into my ear, three words that would change my life.

"I'm your father."

Oh God.It's still making me cringe now. At the time, I was expecting people to jump into the cave and shout joke! and laugh at me. Unfortunately for me, there wasn't anyone. Which is why I ran away. Back to camp. Away from him.

Wouldn't you?

Diary of a Civil War MusketeerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon