Ch 12

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Grace was in a field, her outfit changed. She was now wearing a white long dress and her feet were bare.

She ran through the field of flowers seemingly chasing a butterfly.

"One sis down, one more to go," A man said, watching Grace from a distance.

Back at the motel

"Look, you're fine, you're going to be okay," Karenn told Sammy softly, rubbing her back, "now tell us what happened back there, alright? Then, you can go to sleep and wake up in the morning and everything will be okay." Kay snuck a look into the other room where Castiel paced nervously and Dean tried to calm him down.

Sammy sniffed, gulping down another stream of tears, looking up at her girlfriend, and soon to be wife, Sammy shuddered. "Th-this angel, Sophie, she worked with my mom. She's been with me my whole li-life, but she... I don't know!" She began to bawl again, "She started telling me to do all this crazy stu-stuff...and then-and then she...she" shoving her face in her hands, she let herself cry more, her shoulders shaking violently.

"What did she do? Did she take your sister?" Karenn asked calmly, sitting down next to her lover.

"N-no, I don't know what happened to her, but Sophie loved me a lot... and she-she," Sammy composed herself, her eyes a normal, pale blue.

"She turned me human."

Ch 7

Wherever Grace was

Grace ran until she bumped into someone, she giggled, "you caught me" she said laughing hysterically.

The person in front of her smiled, " would you like to take a walk?" They said.

"Of Course Amy" Grace smiled, walking with her captor.

Back to Sammy

"She what?!" Kay screamed worriedly, she then hugged Sammy, "when?" She asked.

"Last night, I think," Sammy replied glumly, "just don't tell the others yet, please?"

"Of course." Kay said, rubbing Sammy's back.

Castiel, Dean, and Sam

"Cas, please just calm down, we'll find her, okay?" Dean shot at the angel, the three were all tired and groggy from staying up all night. Sam looked up from his laptop as Sammy and Karenn walked into the room, they both looked quite messed up and disheveled.

"Dean, she's my wife, an angel, and many creatures want her ass as a slave. We have no idea who has her, and what they will do to her." Castiel said, clearly scared.

"Cas we will find her, now, do you know who would especially want to kidnap Grace?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, everyone," Castiel growled. Suddenly he gets a look of realization on his face, "No, nononononono!" Castiel screamed, throwing his face into his hands,

"What?!" Dean screamed

"Amy, she's an angel jealous of the twin's powers, but she must not be working alone." Cas said into his hands.

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