Ch 13

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At the bunker

"Grace, can I tell you something important?" Sammy asked her sister.

"Yeah, what's up?" Grace turned to her, happy to be reunited with the love of her life and family again.

"I'm a human," she replied, looking down with tears filling her eyes.

"What? How?" Grace asked.

"Sophie, she turned me last night." Sammy cried.

Grace's brows knitted together. "It's like me losing my grace?" She asked.

"Yes, exactly like you losing your grace but someone took mine." Sammy replied.

"Then let's get it back," Grace said.

"What about Alesea and Edwin, they haven't seen you in days." Sammy said.

"I know, I'm getting worked up.... you, Sam, Dean, and Kay go get your powers back, I'll stay here with Cas and take care of my children." Grace said, hugging Sammy and then walking into the their room.

In the other room

"I'm glad thats over." Dean said, before taking a large bite out of a bacon cheese burger. Sammy sighed, looking into an empty corner of the room at a chair.

"Yeah me too" Sammy said tiredly, as Karenn came up behind her.

"Hey Sammy." Karenn said, kissing Sammy's cheek, she smiled wrapping her arms around Karenn's.

"Love you, babe," Sammy replied.

Kay responded with a hum, "Love you too." She said.

Sammy looked at Sam across the room, "You know we can't get me back," she said finally.

"We don't know that, I mean i got my soul back from Lucifer's cage." Sam replied.

"Yeah, except you're human," she said," and you wanted it back."

"Are you saying you don't want to be a demon?" Kay asked confused, "Nevermind, I'd love you anyway." She smiled.

"I was a monster," Sammy replied, "you have no idea how many times I've wanted to kill everyone in this room."

"Sammy, you weren't, and you aren't a monster. Even when you fed me your blood" Sam said looking at Sammy.

Sammy stared back at him blankly, "I was, that's exactly what I'm talking about." She said

"You're still not a monster, Sammy you help people." Sam said.

"I do?" Sammy asks.

"Yes, if it wasn't for you, Grace would have been stuck up there thinking Castiel hated her." Karenn said.

"Yeah, you also saved her from Lucifer, along with Prism, and Urial," Sam said.

"And how many times have I wanted to rip her chest open and strangle you lot with her organs." The human replied bluntly.

"I'm guessing about two," Dean yelled from his room.

"More, and it wasn't just her. I wanted to kill all of you."

"Sammy, we don't care, you know we can protect ourselves," Sam convinced, "at least let us talk to Sophie." He added.

"She wants me to become an angel," Sammy laughed, "but we all know that's never happening, the transformation will probably kill me."

"Becoming an angel won't be a bad thing, but how likely is it that you'll be killed." Sam asked.

"Really low, but you guys saw what happens when a demon goes heavenly," Sammy referred to Peter, "you go a bit mad in the head. Feathers and black eyes don't mix."

"Sammy, you were an angel to begin with, but your dad, he turned you into a demon. Plus, Peter is Peter, he was like that before." Karenn said as she snaked her arms onto Sammy's shoulders.

"I still want to stay human, though," She replied, "I don't know why, it just feels right."

"Crowley's gonna be pissed," Dean said, walking into the room.

"Damn right." Sammy laughed. "Well, ya'll wanted to meet my angel friend?"

"Hello, I'm Sophie," A strawberry blonde said, her ocean blue eyes sparkled, she was wearing a long, graceful magenta dress with intricate detail. She seemed to float across the room to Sammy, who she hugged in greeting.

"I see the change was successful?" She asked, her voice calm.

Sam looked at the Angel with admiration, 'she's beautiful' he thought, watching her float across the room to greet everyone.

When she got to Sam and shook his hand, they both felt a shock and Sophie took interest right away? "What's your name?" She asked flirtatiously. Sam blushed, just barely managing to stutter out a response, but remaining his posture.

"Sam. You-you must be Sophie."

Sammy and Dean giggled from the back of the room knowingly. With one harsh look from Kay, however, they both shut up, shoving their fists into their mouths to stop from bursting out laughing again.

"Hey, can you stay, or you got some, like, important angel shit to deal with?" Sammy asked her friend.

"Not the term I'd use, and no, I don't have any 'important angel shit to deal with,'" Sophie replied smiling coolly.

Grace walked in with two toddlers at her side, the twins held their mother's hands ending up to Sammy, hugging her thighs. "Hello," Grace said.

Sammy's shoulders scrunched up to her neck and she began making hissing noises.

"I don't like babies," she said through clenched teeth.

"Their toddlers, not babies Sammy." Sophie smiled as the kids ran to her. "How old?" she asked.

"A month." Grace smiled.

"Come back to me when they're six." Sammy waved her hand dismissively.

"Technically, they look three." Dean looked at the young angels with confusion.

"They age kinda like the Amazons," Sam replied.

"Yeah, but they don't act like them," Grace replied.

"They're sweet, not vicious." Castiel said, picking up Edwin.

"Aww, but Sammy..." Kay said, walking up to Cas and ruffling Edwin's golden hair. "I want kids... Just look at his little face!"

Sammy cringed, "We're not even married!" She said, rubbing her face groggily. "Life's too short."

Karenn giggled, pulling away from Edwin. "Yeah, why aren't we married, anyway?"

"Cause the whole thing's too much money. Which none of us have," she replied.

"Aw, babe, we don't need the reception to be made beautiful with money, it's already beautiful with you," Karenn kissed Sammy on the cheek, who gushed and pulled her into a hug.

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