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Seriously I don't know what to do I'm loosing my sanity and I honestly can't stop shaking. I feel like I'm gonna be sick and I need to know who died. I'm so mad and scared right now. Holy shit I can't breathe. THATS NEGAN FOR YOU! :( :/ I'm dead sorry. Here's this really bad chapter.

Olive's POV

"Carl, you need to see this." I said. We've been sneaking around for so long sometimes I can't even remember why we weren't together.

But then I remember.

Today Rick asked us to pick up any garbage around ASZ. We said yes because as far as everyone knows we're still sworn enemies.

"What?" He asked running over to me. I picked up a damp piece of paper, that read 'You knew it'd happen someday', and handed it to him.

"Here." I whispered. He looked down at the paper and frowned.

"I didn't." He said.

"Yeah, me neither." I said. He looked up and gave me a quick kiss.

"In a way I'm glad this happened. Just one reason though."


"I met you and all of Alexandria."

"That's a pretty unbeatable reason." I said.

"Yeah." He said. He leaned in and kissed me again but this time more love than just a quick kiss.

"Olive, Carl?" Someone asked. We broke apart as fast as we could and looked to the side to see Rosita staring at us.

"Oh, hello." I said putting on my best fake smile and itching the back of my neck.

"You guys-"

"No, no we weren't. He was just helping me." I said.

"Helping you what?"

"Helping me pick up garbage and I accidentally bumped into his mouth."

"Yeah." Carl confirmed. Rosita looked shocked but also kinda happy.

"So you're telling me that you're not together? Because that was some serious-"

"You can't tell anyone." I said. She smiled.

"And why is that?"

"Because... I think it's best if they don't know."

"And why is that exactly?" Carl asked. I can't tell Carl it'll make him upset and I don't want to be the one to do that. The reason I don't want people knowing is because I know they won't be surprised when we break up. We all know it's gonna happen someday.

"Because I don't want to." I said.


"Why does it matter?" I asked. There was a long silence.

"Your secrets safe with me." Rosita said. She walked back to wherever she came from. Carl looked at me and smirked.

"What's wrong?" He sighed.

"Nothing's wrong."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive. Let's go back, I'm kinda tired."

"Okay." He sighed.

We walked home side by side. Even though he didn't say a thing I knew what he was thinking. I know he's nervous about why I don't wanna tell anyone.

"Carl, I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay, just a little confused."

"I know." I said.

"Why don't you wanna tell anyone?" He asked. I have to tell him I know I do, but I don't know what I'd say. I don't think there's any possible way to tell him this without it turning into a fight. I don't wanna fight with him. I really don't.

Well, here I go.

"Because I don't want them to judge us anymore. We break up every single time. It's not fun. I don't want them to laugh about it because every single time it happens I judge myself a little more." I said. His face went blank.

"You're right. We do break up but it's because we're stupid."

"Well stupid gets you killed."

"You know, maybe you're right. Maybe we do break up but it's always for a reason. Like this time it's because you don't trust me enough to believe I don't wanna hurt you." He said.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying if you can trust me then maybe we shouldn't be together."


"Olive, stop it. This is hurting me just as much as it's hurting you." He said. He walked back to the camp.


That night when I got home I ran to my bathroom and grabbed one of the only things I'd been thinking of today.

"Shit." I sighed. I opened the thing and did what I had to do.

When I was done I took it in my hands and closed my eyes.

'You got this. You're probably wrong.' I thought to myself. I looked down just as I felt my face go pale.

"No, no, no." I whispered to myself.

"Olive!" I heard Maggie yell. I rummaged through the drawers to find somewhere to hide it.

"Come on." I whispered to myself. Suddenly I saw Maggie standing by the door. Not knowing what to do I brought my hand up with the front facing her. Her face went blank.

"You're pregnant?" She asked.

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